Post subject: Youtube FPS problem
Player (105)
Joined: 1/30/2005
Posts: 564
Location: Québec, Canada
I've been uploading some videos on Youtube, and recently (about 10 minutes ago), I realized something. The avi's I make are 60 fps, but the videos on youtube are "downgraded" to 30 fps. That creates a unique problem in that it makes things disappear if they're on the screen for only a single frame. The best example I have right now is this Uniracers avi I uploaded this evening. Normally, when the race starts, the word "GO" is shown on the screen, alternating the G and the O on each frame. In this particular case, Youtube's 30 fps "downgrade" made the G disappear. The game now looks weird as it's showing a big O when the race starts ... So my question is: is there a way to pre-process my avi myself before uploading it to Youtube to make it 30 fps without dropping any frames? What I'm thinking of right now as a possibility would be blending 2 frames together to make it 30fps instead of 60. That way, nothing would be lost (I think). Does such a method exist? I apologize in advance if this has been discussed before. I did a little research but couldn't find the answer on the forums. Please point me to any existing topic (if there's one). Thank you, video gurus! EDIT: A good example of what I would like the GO to look like is this video:
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Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Player (105)
Joined: 1/30/2005
Posts: 564
Location: Québec, Canada
Oh, so there was a topic! Sorry about that. Thanks moozooh! Mods can now delete this topic ... it's kind of useless since the other topic is quite recent.