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I'm fairly sure rolling is the same speed as running (in fact, a few of the puzzles rely on this) Good work so far though, I'm looking forward to this one.
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Monsaic Lines http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI1mhXHgeR4 It desyncs at the end when using the sound plugin. I can't remember the speed of rolling. I just know you have to press down and wait a while to begin.
Joined: 10/17/2007
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Are you sure you cannot confuse the AI enough to allow you to slip by the first Slig, seeing you don't have to kill the second one? There are lots of things you can do with the poor AI, and chanting is just one of the ways to manipulate it. Has there been anything that required frame perfect input so far? It's looking good, but there hasn't been much that says "This is a TAS", if you catch my drift.
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Monsaic Lines [faster] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXmS38ZGxSE the first slig does some quick turning thing which threw me off when I first attempted this stage. Sometimes jumping off the edge is faster, sometimes it isn't. I don't truly understand it. It desyncs at the end again because I was using 0.0.4 wip. The next stage is Paramonia. The actual rolling animation is the same speed as running. Sometimes it's faster to roll, it depends what you want to do afterwards. Paramonia WIP1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAzjYHsYd64 edit: Found a glitch to walk through walls, this could change things... Or on the other hand, could change nothing... too bad I can't get past those 2 bastards at the end. I've found one place so far in Paramonia where walking through walls saves time.
Post subject: Re: new video
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antd wrote:
Found a glitch to walk through walls, this could change things... Or on the other hand, could change nothing... http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x268/antdgar/abew2w.jpg too bad I can't get past those 2 bastards at the end. I've found one place so far in Paramonia where walking through walls saves time.
Woah, can you upload a video of you doing that? I've never heard of anyone accidentally walking through a wall in this game! How'd you do it?
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You have to stand about 5 steps from a wall and running-jump into it. It doesn't work on every wall, which is probably why it is not well known. I cannot make a video now because of the graphics plugin not working so well. After some testing, if it's faster, you may see it in my next Paramonia WIP.
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I think it would be really great to have a video of this regardless if it's faster, just for curiosity value. :) Glad to see you making progress, by the way. This is one of the games I really want to see done!
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Is that related to the tricks with Elum? There are quite a few bizarre wall-ignoring things you can do whilst on him, if I remember.
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If only the edge of the screen was a little closer, you could make the sligs run to the mines... perhaps it's possible even now if you confuse them enough so the chase gets delayed? At any rate, even if you do get to the other side, could you clear the game without the god form you get from Paramonia & Scrabania?
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There's also another glitch which could be the holy grail. I managed to get Abe to walk through a wall which the first walk through walls glitch could not do. I need to do more testing as to how I did this glitch, it could be game breaking if used in a TAS. I did all these glitches in real-time and without recording >=( edit: Paramonia WIP2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cL08jw_yTvM Here you can see I used the Elum walk through walls glitch. It's at the part where I have to enter the password. The password process is long and you also have to wait for the ledge hoist thing to come down. So it's faster to walk through the wall and magically appear on the next screen.
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Very cool! I'm anxiously waiting for more! :)
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Paramonian Temple Door 1 http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wpXxxwPvF50 You can make the boulder disappear. Abe can also walk through some walls here. However, they do not lead anywhere. He just falls through the floor and dies. Paramonian Temple Door 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YY8AZ182PI I have another strategy for this level which skips the boulder thing. Although, I'm unsure if it is faster. It involves skipping the boulder (and not going right once at the top screen) and therefore carefully running past the beehive, luring the creature to the song room and getting the song while it's getting stung to death. Then, doing the holy fire activation process. Then, again carefully going past the beehive. I'm unsure as to whether doing the whole boulder process is slower than potentially walking/slowing down to get past the beehive two times. The boulder process = running 1.5 screens, waiting a short time, running 1.5 screens The beehive process= waking/stopping for a brief time twice Perhaps I will test this tonight. EDIT: My alt method was faster after all Paramonian Temple Door 2 [faster] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypCWEU2pWxQ EDIT: I think I can improve this by immediately throwing the meat as I enter the song room. However, the paramite may die faster which will lead to me getting killed by the bees during the song. It could be possible to time it so the paramite lives long enough though! I will test this tomorrow. EDIT: It works but is not faster.
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awesome run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Paramonian Temple Door 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv30cttJa30 I hold onto the ledge for a long time so that the slig sees me and commits suicide later. If I didn't do this then there would be two sligs preventing me from getting the stone.
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On Temple Door 2: Wouldn't it be faster to just visit the lower level first and then the upper level, not upper-lower-upper? You don't really need to visit upper levels first. On Temple Door 3: Wouldn't it be faster to start running at the very end? Standing up seems to take time. Other than that, nice!
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Cremator wrote:
On Temple Door 2: Wouldn't it be faster to just visit the lower level first and then the upper level, not upper-lower-upper? You don't really need to visit upper levels first.
I was told by members of an Abe's Oddysee forum that going lower would be slower because the carcasses only offer 1 piece of meat. However, I have since found that I can kill the two paramites without using meat^^ It's 16 seconds faster now. Thanks for posting or I may not have tried this strategy.
Cremator wrote:
On Temple Door 3: Wouldn't it be faster to start running at the very end? Standing up seems to take time.
I'm surprised you mentioned this. It is 1 frame faster to run^^ Paramonian Temple Door 2 [faster faster] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJrNNtLM2iA I'm going to redo Door 3. I may have a faster way to deal with the sligs. EDIT: Paramonian Temple Door 3 [faster] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4_VURp37qs My new strategy for Door 3 is 6 seconds faster^^ EDIT: I seem to be stuck on the next stage. I saw a speedrun where the person keeps the red power. But I have no idea how he did that. I cannot manage to keep it (for the next stage). Do you think this is a version difference? He used PC version...
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On TD2: Is the meat truly necessary to kill the first paramite? I remember you can get it killed even without the meat... that or you didn't have to kill the paramite at all. It might've been possible to listen to the song while the bees sting you and still stay alive, although it's a close call. The lower meat sack is closer to your way, anyway.
Post subject: Re: new video
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antd wrote:
EDIT: Paramonian Temple Door 3 [faster] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4_VURp37qs My new strategy for Door 3 is 6 seconds faster^^
Awesome, I like this new version very much. Especially the part where you blow up the Slug!
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Amazing improvement on door 2, antd. I must say, I receive immense pleasure from watching your run and I am impressed by how fast you progress. I wait eagerly for the next segment.
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It seems the meat is necessary. The bees rape very hard while learning the song. You don't get a chance to move before they kill you. Yes, you can kill the paramite without the meat. But, it means running back past the hive. I don't know if I can get the paramite onto the hive without the meat though. Every time I tried the bees still kill me during the song. They only seem to avoid me when I use the meat strategy in the current run. Thanks for posting^^
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Funny, because I'm pretty sure I did that without tools back in the day. Maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me, but... hmm, I was probably using the Paramite, then. Ah well.
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Paramonian Temple Door 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ejy3b1KdrPw Paramonian Temple Door 5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjvk7Q8qHbI Scrabania is after Paramonian Temple. I have seen some places in Scrabania which allow the walk through walls glitch to be used. EDIT: Paramonian Temple Door 6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTZ9RgBDBkY Paramonian Temple Final: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyT0tiqhs6E Scrabania: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbPeVy1P1UI
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Scrabania was amazing. I never even thought about doing it that way.
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One of my favourite games, are you still TASing it?
I am old enough to know better, but not enough to do it.
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There exists a new (?) glitch which can save time at many places throughout the game. I first saw the technique in a video by Fusionbly, after which I did some testing and found more uses to it. Basically, object and ledge activations that (can) make Abe 'auto-turn' can be delayed and done somewhere else instead by cancelling to running while auto-turning is taking place. The most useful application to it is delaying climbing down ledges~~ (link removed. see the one below instead) Ledges above Abe work similarly, but the use is more limited since Abe won't actually grab a non-existant ledge above. He just jumps 'up' like he always does when prompted, or so it seemed when I tested. There is at least one use to it, though, and it is being able to get a standing Abe inside crawlspaces: you can do the upwards jump from rolling stance, and afterwards Abe gets up standing like normal, being able to jump over mines blocking the crawlspace, chant, etc. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIzm6iWHRtU Elevators are subject to the glitch too, but nothing good comes out of them. On normal ground game crashes, and on objects... well, see for yourself (a demonstration from Fusionbly) (EDIT: link updated). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nun5mMi5q80 Finally, and again useful, is Elum teleporting. It's the same mechanism. The simplest known use is getting on glitch-Elum while the actual Elum is in the same screen: Abe instantly travels back on him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUUjdruvB_4 If Elum is in a different screen, Abe still teleports on him but the camera won't follow. It's possible to glitch-move the locations of elevators by a few steps while doing this, for some reason. Trying to move to new screens while out of camera yields strange results, at its worst making Abe and Elum fall off the screen. However, if there's a screen below (e.g. somewhere you can fall to safely), this phenomena can probably be utilized for skipping things as well. (EDIT: link updated) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LL238yaoosU There are other small oddities concerning these things too, but probably of no consequense. (including getting a "small Abe" in normal gameplay, making Elum disappear, getting on an glitch-Elum which won't move, etc.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56-586wJkfs
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