Ah, I thought your qualm was that you were tired of the same dozen or so runs were being submitted/published over and over and over again, not that you just wanted to see more games being run.
As for that debate, I stand firm in my belief that some games just make extremely boring movies to watch. Obviously what is boring to me will differ from what is boring to someone else, but you and I have already had that argument, so I won't bother to rehash it here.
As for new material,
I brought that up a while ago. There is a ton of material available for GBA that has yet to be TASed. SMS has some decent games yet to be run, as does N64. Unfortunately, as the newer gen consoles become TASable, we'll either have to get used to watching longer runs, or get over the fact there is a limited amount of games from which to draw from (also remembering that x% of those games make shitty TASes).