Welcome this is Shinryuu's Rockman 2 project with co-authors TaoTao, FinalFighter & pirohiko

Finally this day has come...

Intro and events

This run obsoletes the previous run by 1693 frames, 28,21 seconds!
This time around Rockman 2 has been maximized to it's end, so far that only few people can imagine. Making this movie required many years of work and hundreads of different investigations, plannings and trendemous amount of time and copypastings. After doing the previous run I heard news about the other techniques and they were related to screenscrollings and using Heatman's weapon to reduce black screen time after dying in the Crashman and Woodman stages. I began to work on my new run and got stuck in Crashman's screenscrolling I wasn't able to continue matter of what. Because I wasn't able to do anything for it I started my project from the beginning many times for fun and seek for other improvements. About a year after I was able to perform Crashman's scrolling by 3xItem1s and I got excited about it and I contacted Bisqwit after my great success. Not so long after Bisqwit said that he was able to bot it to work with 2xItem1s so I began to continue my progress further and further. Somewhere around the progress I spotted some improvements I wasn't even seen before and I had to many stages behind to the Flashman's stage because I found a possibility to break something that affected to your waiting time after boss was beaten (This was found by playaround when I was bored and used different subpixel positionings). When I reached again the Crashman's downscrolling I didn't ask for help I keep to do it for so long that I'll succeed and I did I even found the key for it, the time when it is possible to do there so I didn't have any problems with that part anymore. After that Japanese player called cstrakm found a technique to Airman's stage to get flying air devils to disappear just by pressing (left and then right) in the first possible frame. This was something special because I haven't ever seen that it works on any enemy. In the long room of Airman I had to abuse mother bird to get airfan enemy to disappear. Once I was done and searched for the most optimized route for the screenscrolling I played through Bubbleman stage and got stuck to that scrolling again. About month or two later in december FinalFighter contacted me if I would agree if he puts my movie in the public in Japan to search for persons that haves much experience with FCEUX and botting. Not for so long after FinalFighter contacted me and said that TaoTao have been trying to solve the mystery and he did. TaoTao was able to make Bubbleman's downscroll to work with 3xItem1s, 2xCrabs and with a huge refill and that version was 12 frames faster. About or over a week later I got a message from FinalFighter that Japanese player pirohiko solved the scrolling with 2xItem1s, 2xCrabs and it was 112 frames faster! and after that with four metal blades! ...and so on my progress continued and continued along with other players and I finished it.
(This timeline "may not be 100%" correct because this is everything I can remember, there were countless of days between anything and sometimes I was stuck for many months, like Crashman for a year, Bubbleman almost a year or so. So my memory got a bit rust)
Important things to know
Somewhere between these events Bisqwit and FinalFighter investigated mechanism of screenscrollings and how they does work. In the end the answer was found from the Rockman 2's sound code. I recommend to read Bisqwit's long post to understand [/Forum/Topics/325&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=700|See Bisqwit's long post for more information]
Also Bisqwit helped me a lot out in the previous Rockman 2 projects I did. So let's not forget him from this history. He helped me with the screenscrollings such as Airman and Crashman scrollings also gave tips for different strategies. Bisqwit did a great battle in Dr. Wily 2 stage but this time I didn't copypaste it because I modified, tested and played it on my own in the end but most likely in the same way.
TaoTao wrote much information about the screenscrolling and how to trace them in fact broke the knowledge of the screenscrollings even more further. Information can be found from here [/Forum/Topics/325&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=760|See TaoTao's posts for more information]

About the run

This run is full of the most glitched thing I've ever seen in my whole life! This game needs some caution and time to understand also it is interesting that subpixels doesn't matter so much in this game because of the weird randomness... Also there are much frame rules in the stages sometimes you can gain much time but after beating the boss you'll have to wait a bit longer and you'll lose few or many frames from your hands. This time around different level order is used because Woodman's stage is played as the last possible level. (Flashman - Heatman - Airman - Crashman - Quickman - Metalman - Bubbleman - Woodman) The main reason for playing Woodman as the last stage is that we can start from the roof when the stage starts because there are some glitching and stuff in Bubbleman battle.
Shinryuu's comments
I the main player of this whole project who started and ended it. I've been working this game for ages and got always stuck with the scrollings and I wasn't able to perform them matter of what even I tried really hard without any help. I played everything from the beginning expect Bubble and Woodman's fourth scrollings but still I felt right that it is OK to have co-authors and also everyone asked about it, wanted it and agreed. Even I did the most or actually almost all of the progress we decided to add more cooperative authors along. I gained trendemous amount of information and experience about this project and gained some vital ones from FinalFighter and TaoTao.
- I'm really amazed and impressed that such kind of help came from the far east, Japan. I thought there were none of possibilities for me to complete this movie on my own or even with co-authors. TaoTao's investigation broke the wall and I actively started to discuss about screenscrollings with FinalFighter and we began to join in the forces. Everyone shared knowledges to each other to understand the mechanism of screenscrollings further. This was somewhat interesting experience and I feel I owe everyone a cookie! This is also a great day in my whole time!
Something about my history:
- I Began to investigate Tool-assisted movies after I saw morimoto & finalfighter's legendary Rockman 2 movie around the spring of 2005. I found TASvideos (formerly NESvideos) mark from the movie file and I went straight way to check the site out but I didn't register myself there for a long time because I want to knew more about community before asking anything harmful. When first time I got recordable emulator I had no idea how to use it or anything. First I though people are playing in real time but when I found save states and other features out I understood what Tool-assistance really is. I was so impressed and amazed and had a clear vision that I wanted to aim for more better results than what morimoto & finalfighter did. Shortly after I began to make my own movies about Rockman 2 and tried to understand game mechanisms a bit time by time. In the end my journey was really interesting because I had much willpower to know and train glitches and techniques so I decided to play Rockman 2 so much as I can, there was almost sleepless nights and days and I even played it over 12 hours in straigh because I really enjoyed my work (My friends though that I was turned to crazy when they saw/knew what I was going to do) I contacted TASvideos' adminstrator Bisqwit through email when I wanted to know more about glithes and tricks, I did that many times when I was curious about something. Close to next summer I joined to site and NESvideos channel to discuss with people. I found funny that Bisqwit didn't knew who I was for a long time but after discussing much about Rockman 2 in the channel he pointed me out.
Is the person who break the whole information and history about the screenscrollings. Many many thanks to him because without him our succeedings wouldn't be succeed or being so good. I wanted to add him as a co-author because of hes amazing investigation and work. TaoTao was the first person who contacted and wanted to help with Bubbleman's screenscrolling. When I heard about hes success I got really excited and amazed. Afrer that Mr. pirohiko joined along and improved things even furter.
FinalFighter & pirohiko
Most known person about he's discoveries through almost all of NES Rockman games. He have done impossible things mostly possible and helped our community a lot. FinalFighter showed very high amount of respect to my run and wanted to help me out with the Bubbleman's scrolling and asked me if it is ok to ask for help. Mr. gocha make Rockman 2 TAS Help site to gather skillful players around the Japan. Also FinalFighter contacted me all the time if he found something new, better strategies and tips for Rockman games. As a Gift in return I gave some of my discoveries and projects to him. In the end FinalFighter's interest towards scrollings came from TaoTao's investigation.
FinalFighter contacted me that mysterious Mr. pirohiko was able to perform Bubbleman scrolling and there was few different tests and we ended up using 4xMetal blades & 2xCrabs. Mr. pirohiko succeed with the first test on Woodman's scrolling once I was done with the Bubbleman stage. I didn't knew someone even could to perform that so fast... I was really amused. After that I saw few other versions that were a bit faster and one of them showed how to perform Delay+Death. FinalFighter and pirohiko gained more frames in the end. FinalFighter and pirohiko are the players who build, architected and think over the Bubbleman's & Woodman's scrollings.
FinalFighter's comments
This project that had started after I had found the delay under scrolling in 2006/12 However, we were not able to defeat bubble man, and this project was being stacked for a long time. We were expecting the delay under scrolling to be caused fortunately with BOT and man's hands. However, it was a mistake.
When we fell into the stack and one year or more passed, we decided to recruit the cooperator. Mr. TaoTao analyzing "Trace log" of the delay under scrolling, and adjusting "Amount of the instruction". He found a new idea of adjusting the amount of the instruction.
I have improved FCEU based on the idea , then FCEU came to be able to acquire the amount of the instruction concerning delay. And, I made BOT etc. to acquire the amount of the instruction of NMI. Mr. pirohiko used my custom FCEU and he acquired a wonderful adjustment ability of delay scrolling. He made the delay scrolling succeed in wonderful timing. He also makes none of succeeding things succeed.
Sets of these results are wonderful TAS of Mega Man 2. You waited for a long time. Please enjoy it by all means!
  • Q:Why did I keep working on Mega man's TAS since 2003?
  • A:I love Mega Man and Mega Man's TAS.
  • Q:How did we make the delay scrolling to succeed?
  • A:We did like this.
1:We used Custom FCEU 0.98.28 Lua rev.4. (FinalFighter made it. ) http://bb2.atbb.jp/tas/viewtopic.php?t=12
2:Mega Man 2 is opened with FCEU, and "sample.lua" is read. Then, you are able to see "Amount of delay".
3:Such a value is displayed. The delay scrolling succeeds when "82A2 Y" and fills the direction of the scroll and the value of "C7A5->CFED" is 4-13.
CFED->C7A5:This value becomes small when the amount of delay is too large. CFED->D0D3:This value is an amount of processing of NMI. When nothing is done, this value is decided by music and it becomes almost the same value with the specific frame.
This value can be somewhat increased because of the shotting sound or the jumping sound. C7A5->CFED:When this value becomes it below 400, the case is promising.This value is roughly decided by "Amount of processing by the enemy" + "Amount of processing of NMI" + "Amount of processing by Mega Man's behavior". In a word, delay scrolling will succeed even if there are few enemies and the amount of CFED->D0D3 is at large point.
82A2 Y: When C7A5->CFED is 4-13, this value is displayed. The scroll in the direction succeeds when this value fills each bit mask. If the value of 82A2 Y is bad, it is one of the selections that you can change the frame. 20:right 40:down 80:up The value that goes out easily by the stage is decided. http://bisqwit.iki.fi/kala/rm2-b400-data.txt
4:The enemy's heavy behavior and Mega man's action are done to the frame with a heavy processing of NMI.
5:Then, the value of 100 or less might be seen with C7A5->CFED.
6:It is likely to succeed when you change a slight action based on the state!
He takes an active part as the main player. The posture that he did not give up gathered a lot of cooperators. He is well informed also about the Japanese culture :)
He is a player of the delay scrollings. He came to be called "pirohiko shin(pirohiko is GOD)" and "pirobot(pirohiko is BOT)" because he was very good at adjustments.
I made FCEU only for the delay scrolling based on the knowledge of Mr. TaoTao. In addition, I make BOT etc. of the processing amount measurement of NMI. As a result, I have improved the success rate of the delay scrolling.
He analyzed the trace log, and constructed the knowledge to make the delay scrolling succeed.
Special Thanks
The chronology of delay scrolling
The example of the delay scroll for which Terimakashi used the shutter is found. (HeatMan's shutter and AirMan's shutter)
FinalFighter notices delay right scrolling when he is playing RockManExile.(HackRom)
FinalFighter succeeds in the delay right scrolling in WilyStage2 of Rockman2. He succeeded similarly also in the Crash Man stage. This technique was recognized by everyone.
FinalFighter succeeds in the delay right scrolling in the fight with the MechDragon.
FinalFighter finds the delay under scroll by the fight with the MechDragon. The project that uses the delay under scrolling starts!
There is no success example of retrying of several 100,000 times, and the project falls into the stack.
FinalFighter asks Mr. gocha for the analysis of the delay scrolling.
When FinalFighter compares examples of fcm of gocha succeeding, he notices the success when he rewrites $38.
When Y is rewritten in "FF" at PC:828B, FinalFighter notices the delay scrolling succeed.
The cause of the delay scrolling was specified by Mr. Bisqwit analyzing the trace log, and having seen the change of the value of the register.
FinalFighter found delay death.
The delay under scrolling of the crash man stage succeeded ideally by Mr. Shinryuu in retrying of several months. However, he was not able to capture the Bubble Man stage because the delay under scrolling did not succeed.
We decided to recruit the cooperator.
1:gocha proposed the trace log.
2:TaoTao analyzing "Trace log" of the delay under scrolling, and adjusting "Amount of the instruction". He found a new idea of adjusting the amount of the instruction.
3:TaoTao is found "Just scroll" and "Adjustment of the music" to be effective in the delay under scrolling of Bubble man's stage.
4:FinalFighter make custom FCEU of the instruction number automatic operation output.
5:pirohiko discovers the value of "26" of C7A5->CFED (item1x3 used) and he adjusted the action and succeeded.
6:cstrakm proposes the improvement idea of the quick man stage.
7:Shinryuu completed redoing.
8:cstrakm and pirohiko find the success of the delay under scrolling example in the Metal braid.
9:pirohiko finds an ideal success example in the Metal blade. We finally defeated Bubble Man!
10:We investigated delay up scrolling and delay death in Woodman's stage.
11:pirohiko succeeds. And several days were spent, and wonderful optimization was done.
12:We will refrain from the WIP opening to the public because a difficult place disappeared.
13:Afterwards, pirohiko greatly takes an active part defeating of the delay right scrolling of Woodman's Stage and the MechaDragon etc.
Our TAS was finally completed.
pirohiko's comments
I could participate in a significant project by his call and felt very happy. I was able to do my best, because I believed that an idea came true by all means.
Bubbleman stage's delay down scrolling
I apply the aim to the frame with a heavy processing of the sound of NMI. I succeed with item1. However, we thought whether the Metal blade was able to save time. I have adjusted it in the state that the image of crab x2 comes in succession completely. To defeat the enemy momentarily of the scroll judgment, I attack it. (called Just Scroll) Random numbers adjustment of me that large recovery x2 appearance. The sound occurs generation in the metal blade. The amount of the instruction is greatly different depending on timing unlike item1. Because the amount of processing changes, experienced optimization is important.(It is more effective than BOT. B is pushed long and it is effective.)
Woodman stage's delay up scrolling
The aim is applied to timing to which the rabbit launches the carrot. I look for the frame with the heavy sound processing of NMI, and adjust it according to the arms equipment timing. Height is not good though I succeeded adding the sound of H. Afterwards, I executed the delay up scrolling many times. I find the example of the success without using B button, and I challenge the delay up scrolling to which arms are not changed. If I jump in front of 5 and 10 frames of the object frame that I made a target, it turns out to become an increase in the processing of the maximum sound outside the screen. However, the amount of instructions was insufficient only in it. Three enemies' appearance timing is adjusted and I take aim at the frame with the heaviest sound processing of NMI. I tried many times by thinking about the adjustment where two enemies move on the next screen. And, I finally attained good results.
Woodman stage's delay death
The sound processing doesn't suffice though I aim at timing where the 2-3th bat begins to move at the same time. When I adjust the start pushing, I can save only by 2 frames more than a usual death. I tried to enable the sound of NMI adjustment at the position of the delay up scrolling. However, Y register by the sound code (PC:82A2 Register:Y) returned only 22 and 44. I cannot scroll and fail. I challenged decreasing the equipment change by not doing the equipment change on the prvious screen, and succeed. I try the delay up scrolling many times so that the 2-3th bat but the 1-2th bat may move at the same time. The delay death succeeds in timing where the 1-2th bat moves and this case became a saving big amount of time. The rerecoded count increased 20,000 times or more!
Woodman stage's 1st delay right scrolling
Mr. Shinryuu succeeded at once. - I was able to find first answer in the Metal blades because there was a possibility to make huge amount of lag and succeed. After that I began to work on Item1 version to test everything out. Like I said I abused the technique that lets you to shoot 2xBullets at the same time and found low instructions after that. A bit more later I was able to succeed. Thanks to FinalFighter's powerful and modified FCEU rev versions.
Woodman stage's The 2nd delay right scrolling
The aiming is applied to the frame by which the rabbit launches the second carrot. I put the maximum instructions increase for the idea adding the jump sound. However, it was insufficient by about 30 instructions. I was confirming the sound processing of NMI after two frames was about 30 instructions heavier in the investigation beforehand. The timing that entered the room was slowed down by 2 frames for me. I did the same input, then, it succeeds by one time!
Mecha Dragon delay down scrolling
Mr. Shinryuu puts out a regrettable value of instructions(C7A5->CFED). I increased the number of instructions and succeeded in the delay under scrolling. However, I went out right above of the MechDragon and was not able to attack him. The delay under scrolling is made to succeed many times while noting X coordinates. The traveling direction becomes from the previous room, the attack is not hit, and I did fail many times. I tried so many times and succeed in the delay under scrolling who can use it at last.
Wily4's delay right scrolling
We wasn't able to save time here. It seems that instructions can't get lower than 40-50 by using Item3. We succeed with 1xItem1 but it was 24 frames slower.
TaoTao's comments
Due to different issues TaoTao's comments will be added later :)
cstrakm's comments
I'm glad some new techniques I found were adopted. Caminarigoror erased tech and H death tech.

Techniques & glitches

Zipping with Item1, Item2 & Item3

These glitches are most known in Rockman 2. You can enter inside a wall by any of these items to start beging to zip throught walls. In my run first zipping happens in the Heatman's longest room, when I drop and place Item3 to left side of the wall and place Mega Man well before zipping. Rockman 2's engine thinks that you aren't supposed be in the wall and pulls you out, there exists few possibilities that may happen if you don't do they correctly like, you'll zip out of the wall because of the bad positioning, you got stuck in the offscreen because you didn't jump and press left in a correct time.
Using Item1s for zippings are classic and they appears almost everywhere in my run. It is good to use 3xItem1 before zipping placing highest Item1 to a bit upper because you can jump on it to gain some time, optimized performation should save arond ~ 20 frames.
Also it is possible to zip with Item2s and this only occurs in Bubbleman's stage last rooms when you've taken some damage and placed Item2 in a good position below the spikes and turn left when you are on Item2, it is good to find a good spot if you want to get your zipping longer with this technique. In the next room from the first Item2 zipping there is a corner and it means that if you place your Item2 up there you can zip throught the entire ceiling. Example:
FinalFighter showed this trick a long time ago and demonstrated it in .mpg movie file. This trick was done in the second screen of Dr. Wily 2 stage which explained how to scroll/teleport to next screen by abusing lag. This was somewhat experimental progress back then but turning many years in the future these techniques are used almost everywhere. To get this trick to work it requires a glitch and good delay from soundcode. The original and most known founder for this technique is Terimakasih who found this from a boss room.
How to save a subpixel with a highest jump as possible
This is a simple technique but won't help much in the end. When you know that you can perform the longest jump as possible I recommend to do that one frame later to gain subpixel if you need it for something.
How to save one frame in the beginning of Flashman's stage
When you are close to first place where you do have to jump down just test few frames with (<-) and then (A) pressing to see if you can land one frame earlier on the ground in front of that shooting enemy.
Optimizing the teleporting blocks in Heatman's stage
When you zip in the Item3 part I lose a frame on a purpose because it seems that it affected timing of the teleporting block, also it is essential to jump so right as possible to get blocks to appear fastest time as possible. When I did that zipping one frame later my time was equal but a bit later I lost 1 frame and then 7 frames to nowhere.
How to shoot Metalman faster
This is somewhat interesting glitch I found during my journey. When you hit your first shot be sure that it looks that it won't hit at the earliest possible frame (even it does) because it seem to make some kind of error or something in the game so you'll be able to hit Metalman few frames faster (this can be repeated). This is a good technique if you want to break frame rule of the stage. Also it seems that you can hit Flashman in the re-fight room by same technique.
Starting from the uppest part of the screen
This can be only done if you are placed yourself almost in the offscreen and you are able to beat the boss from up there, after boss is beaten you must to jump up at least for one frame. After that you'll start in the uppest part of the screen when you select a stage. This is really helpful in Woodman's stage because you can't zip throught the first room really fast.
Skipping the black screen after dying
This technique was found by Japanese player cstrakm. When you change your weapon to Heatman's weapon and drop in the gorge and shoot few frames earlier before you die you can skip the black screen and save around (134) frames or so.
Shooting 2 bullets at the same frame
This occurs when you are going on the ladders and press (B) button at the same time. This was only used in the Woodman's stage third screenscrolling act to find the most fastest way as possible to perform it.
To be sure to choose a correct route starting from Dr. Wily Stage 1
This was one of the ideas that came in to my mind, I did a demonstration picture and we began to investigate it with FinalFighter. It is funny that both of them saved exactly 20 frames in the end so it made things a little more easier to calculate. +Item1version was used because NMI was good in the MechaDragon battle and the scrolling was performed insanely fast, key of the scrolling route was found by me when I got 76 instructions and in the end pirohiko did succeed in a good positioning when scrolling happened to kill MechaDragon and Mega Man in the air at the same time. Demonstration:


  • Aims for fastest time as possible
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Manipulates luck
  • Abuses programming errors in the game
  • Uses no passwords
Improvement list
Gained Difference
Flashman 8 8
Heatman 8 16
Airman 17 33
Crashman 380 413
Quickman 55 458
Metalman 9 467
Bubbleman 130 597
Woodman 553 1150
Dr. Wily Stage 1 534 1684
Dr. Wily Stage 2 0 1684
Dr. Wily Stage 3 3 1687
Dr. Wily Stage 4 2 1689
Dr. Wily Stage 5 -9 1680
Dr. Wily Stage 6 13 1693
(I am not sure what did I calculate wrong, when game is beaten I got 1684 even it is 1693) I'll try to find the cause later, I've spend too much time in to this one and can't seem to find it. I'm suspecting some kind of frame rule that appears before or after my checkpoints.

Stage information

Simplest and easiest stage to play throught. As you can see in the beginning I turned 1 frame left and jumped to gain 1 frame when landing in front of the enemy. For entertainment I picked extra lives by manipulation I accidentally found :) For the boss battle I used a strategy that let me to hit him 1 frame faster by facing left before entering the room. Also I was able to broke the whole stage because for some reason I gained frames by optimizing and mixing subpixels up! My only theory is that I've had 1 frame less lag in the boss battle or so after Flashman is beaten because in Rockman 2 there is a frame rule that affects to your output time after finishing the stage.
Hey it's time to hear some funky music! This stage is somewhat similiar to Flashman's stage because all you have to remember is to jump minimalistic jumps as possible. When you go to the ladders, shoot Item3 and perform zipping I lost 1 frame there to attain fastest completion time after teleporting block area. When I tested that zipping 1 frame faster I was about 8 frames slower in the end. It had some kind of effect to teleportation time. Boss fight may not be so entertaining but at least it is really funny and I performed suicide in the end to get frame or two.
If you are curious or want to know more about the Heatman's randomness generator see 00B2 address.There are 3 values 30, 60 and 90 these numbers are frames and tells how long it will take from Heatman to move after damaging him.
Yay time to abuse Item1s! This stage is one of the favourites I had to play through. Stage is most likely same as in the published movie but this time Air devils are going to get disappear into nothingness by pressing 1 frame left -> 1 frame right when they are in the screen! This trick was found by Japanese player Cstrakm. I performed the screenscrolling by testing everything I got and if I recall or remember correctly I was able to win Bisqwit's BisqBot because bot wasn't able to find output(s) like I did.
This stage is going to get corrupted really bad. When the stage starts the fun begins, I used Item1s to zip another rooms and so on and make a suicide to appear to the furthermost possible screen after dying.. also Heatman's weapon was abused before the death because it can shorten the black screen timing by 134 frames or so! I think it over-rides some values to make game think/to do so. When I entered to the grand ladder heaven with birds I had to find good manipulation to get two little refills and a one huge refill to perform other tricks later on. This wasn't hard task to make also I had some "freetime" to spend because I was able to find the correct frame when screenscrolling occurs in the second last screen so I aimed for it.
Forward.. no backward zipping!? Yes! This time Quickman is going to get punished really hard by Cstrakm's backwardzipping and my own personal quickzipping, these appears in the second and third rooms of this stage. Because of the frame rule I had to lose to gain some time. This stage doesn't include anything special expect those two first glitches in the stage. I copypasted and tested different combinations to see what's the fastest route in the end.
Okay because of the better positioning with Item1s I was able to zip 2 frames faster in the beginning of the stage (They were affected by Quickman's stage). Also I gained 1 frame from the final screen by zipping one frame faster by pressing left 1 frame earlier. From the boss battle I got much time and I found out how it's mechanism does work, it is simple. When you hit the boss like it was "delayed" but it's the fastest time as possible it let's you to hit faster and faster if your positioning and timing is good. When you shoot your final bullet it is recommended to find a correct positioning and timing to kill Metalman 1 frame faster.
Classic and somewhat nostalgic stage. This stage is really similiar as seen in the current published run but I was able to optimize really small changes due the better manipulation that came from nothing. This time there exists screenscrolling by four metalblades and two crabs and it maked this stage even more faster! For a boss fight I had to shoot one metalblade in the beginning to hit Bubbleman 3 frames faster even it may look a bit slower.
Time to start from the uppest part of the screen due the glitch that happened after Bubbleman's fight. Now I can zip straight forward when the stage starts and make a scrolling there. Well there are 3 different scrollings in this stage so more to come! This time in the entire history of Rockman 2 Delay+Death is used to warp one screen ahead to make a suicide. Also this stage is highly glitched and calculated to be the fastest completion time as possible.
Dr. Wily stage 1
This stage is a classic but there won't happen anything special until you get to Mechadragon battle because you will see a huge time saving there. I did couple of test movies from the part where I waste my Item1 after taking damage from the bullet. When I shoot that Item1 it saves exacrly 20 frames. Also if I don't waste this Item1 and save it for Dr. Wily stage's final zipping... it also saves exactly 20 frames! This was a bit complicated but I just had to make two versions and see which scrolling can be done faster.
Dr. Wily stage 2
Glitching continues! As seen in Wily stages seem to be a bit more complicated bu their randomness seeds for frame rules because even if I gained some time it would be equal in the end. In the worst case it is slower. I did the boss battle on my own with a different more action based strategies (at least I think so) to make it to look a bit more entertaining.
Dr. Wily stage 3
Sewer time! Nothing special pops ups from this stage either. Just a bunch of manipulations and stuffs that wasn't impossible to find throught. Also Item1 is used for the scrolling frame or two earlier.
Dr. Wily stage 4
Welcome to the Ninja basement! This stage is really entertaining and full of Item1, Item2, Item3 based tricks to play with. I really enjoyed to play this stage while investigating and optimizing things there and there. This stage won't and doesn't offer anything special because it's almost identical if compared to previous movie.
Dr. Wily Stage 5
Well well... I have nothing special to say expect I began to feel that game truly hates me because I lost and lost frames there and there and everything began after few battles.. Maybe something was following me there and tried to stop my progress, no idea. But please enjoy the rest of the movie.
Dr. Wily Stage 6
This is like a spin-off this doesn't offer anything special. I banished the boss in the same way as in the previous movie to make it to look nostalgic or so. To be continued...?

Special thanks goes to:

  • Morimoto & FinalFighter for making the most historical movie.
  • FinalFighter for demonstrating, finding and architecturing most of the glitches and being co-author.
  • Bisqwit for being part in Rockman 2 history, investigating for screenscrollings and helping me with them.
  • TaoTao for contacting Rockman 2 TAS Help site first to impress everyone.
  • pirohiko for he's motivation towards screenscrollings and was able to make many of them possible.
  • AngerFist for cheering me up and kicking my butt!
  • cstrakm for finding a little techniques such as getting Air devils to disappear and backwards zipping in Quickman
  • And all of you :)

Bisqwit: Updating for end-repaired FCM.
Bisqwit: And, accepting for publication. Awesome product. Congratulations for finishing it finally! Thanks to Shinryuu's Japanese fans :)

Joined: 8/3/2004
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Skilled player (1801)
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I looked forward to this day as one fan, too! Thank you for translation work.
Editor, Player (91)
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I like the double Special Thanks list :) I watched this submission before submitting, and I must say it is a very satisfying result to the years' plight on this game. I'm giving out a rare 10/10 rating.
Active player (329)
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Posts: 786
All I have to say is that the Mecha Dragon battle was the best boss battle I have ever seen in a TAS, ever. Beautiful work. I do believe you all have just outclassed the MM1 run... well, in my book, anyway. Monumental effort and result. This is what TASing is all about!
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CtrlAltDestroy wrote:
All I have to say is that the Mecha Dragon battle was the best boss battle I have ever seen in a TAS, ever.
It encapsulates the "screw you, I'm going home" attitude quite well.
Editor, Emulator Coder, Expert player (2172)
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Not to my surprise, the movie doesn't terminate properly as the last key input is stuck, which is common among edited .fcm movies. :( You see, I'll never rate any movie 10/10! Never! 8)
<klmz> it reminds me of that people used to keep quoting adelikat's IRC statements in the old good days <adelikat> no doubt <adelikat> klmz, they still do
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Truly an awesome run. Entertaining from start to finish. My favourite part was Wood Man's stage. :) I think I'll give this 8.9/9.3. A question though: What's up with the missed shot on frame 61660? The shot goes above the enemy and doesn't seem to hit anything. Is it to manipulate luck? And did anyone else have the problem that the movie kept on playing even after it should have finished? For me it did, while still holding down the B button. I think this is a TAS movie editor bug, I believe I've encountered it myself before. If others get this problem too, it should probably be fixed. EDIT: klmz reported this while I was writing this post, so it seems that the .fcm really is bugged. It shouldn't be hard to fix, luckily. :)
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Randil wrote:
Truly an awesome run. Entertaining from start to finish. My favourite part was Wood Man's stage. :) I think I'll give this 8.9/9.3. A question though: What's up with the missed shot on frame 61660? The shot goes above the enemy and doesn't seem to hit anything. Is it to manipulate luck?
Looks like luck manipulation for the weapon refill drop. More commonly they were to induce the right lag conditions for substituted screen scrolling.
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Clashman: "Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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klmz wrote:
Not to my surprise, the movie doesn't terminate properly as the last key input is stuck, which is common among edited .fcm movies. :( You see, I'll never rate any movie 10/10! Never! 8)
Naruhodo. It seems that it got stuck after I added all authors names to .fcm file, really interesting bug indeed. Before that there wasn't any problems so I couldn't foresee this problem. Also .fcm file is now fixed. Also I truly recommend all to read everything what we have wrote up. It's really essential and vital to know what we have done and investigated.
Skilled player (1102)
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:-D I've been looking forward to this for a long time, but I still didn't expect it so soon. That was simply amazing, really surpising new strategies in Bubbleman, Clashman, Woodman and against Mecha Dragon. I've never given a 10/10 before, but this masterpiece is more than deserving. Very entertaining, great game for TASing, cool glitches but the best levels still remain somewhat intact. Technically so much commitment has gone into making this as optimal as possible and it really shows. 30 seconds of improvement is far more than I thought possible. 10 for entertainment. 10 for tech. Easy.
Skilled player (1612)
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Holy fuck. I had to run home during lunch to be able to finish watching this! I'm rating it off the chart.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
Skilled player (1412)
Joined: 5/31/2004
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Really great movie! Shinryuu's second big publication... and 2009 only just started! ;)
Editor, Expert player (2354)
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Great run! I was looking forward to this, but didn't expect such a large improvement. Gj :)
Player (211)
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The fight against Bubble Man was humorous, and the side effect it caused in Wood Man's level was ridiculous. The amount of progress made in this one revision of the run is astounding. The entertainment value and technical precision gained in this run over the previous leads me to vote 10/10 Congratulations to Shinryuu and co. for breaking the game.
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My favorite TAS to date. An explaination is hardly needed. 10/10 and encoding.
Experienced player (953)
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Congratulations on the completion! I really enjoyed watching this movie and wanted to vote 10/10, but I think the possibility of improvements will always remain, so I voted 9.7/9.7 with my expectation of further improvements. I'm glad I could help, but the credit is more than I deserve, because I could contributed only to the theory, not to the actual operation ^^; I respect all the people who have put a lot of effort into this work for a long time. And, thanks for #TASers people. Well, for some reason, the uploaded FCM file has a initial state which is a bit different from the power-on state, and 9 null frames from the start is omitted. This does NOT spoil the validity of the movie at all, but please note that you must insert 9 null frames to the head when you convert the FCM file to FM2.
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TaoTao wrote:
Congratulations on the completion! I really enjoyed watching this movie and wanted to vote 10/10, but I think the possibility of improvements will always remain, so I voted 9.7/9.7 with my expectation of further improvements. I'm glad I could help, but the credit is more than I deserve, because I could contributed only to the theory, not to the actual operation ^^; I respect all the people who have put a lot of effort into this work for a long time. And, thanks for #TASers people. Well, for some reason, the uploaded FCM file has a initial state which is a bit different from the power-on state, and 9 null frames from the start is omitted. This does NOT spoil the validity of the movie at all, but please note that you must insert 9 null frames to the head when you convert the FCM file to FM2.
We decided to put you in the credits because your discovery was more than enought for us. We wanted to thank by doing this, also you kicked FinalFighter's butt because he got really impressed by your investigations :) Thanks for the comment and for the converting guide.
Player (68)
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Very well done and awesome movie. Definitely one of the best ever, both technically and entertainment wise. One can almost hear the game scream in agony because of the abuse it is subjected to. I want to thank you guys for being so determined, not to mention crazy! :)
Player (225)
Joined: 10/17/2005
Posts: 399
I find no words to describe the awesomeness put into this. 9.9/9.9, just because 10/10 won't ever happen!
<adelikat> I've been quoted with worse
Joined: 7/1/2008
Posts: 272
madness. these new tricks are just pure madness. hell, some of the older tricks still surprise me. 9/9
Active player (294)
Joined: 12/16/2008
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Holy crap Crashman and Woodman stages where insane The game just became an orgy of zipping and death The old rockman 2 run was one of my favorites but that was crazy 9.9/10
Player (71)
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I... Feel speechless somehow. Going to try to write something anyway. :D WOW! This was probably the best video I've seen when it comes to TAS. I have been following the progress now and then, and I didn't think that I was going to see that much of a change when the final product was done. I got really impressed by how you handled Woodman's stage and the Wily stages, mainly because this was totally new to my eyes. But all in all the new tricks implanted are purely awesomeness. The down scrolling is truly a cool trick. When I was a kid I would never even think that this game had this potential. Nor did anyone else I suspect? =) This is a 10/10 vote directly from my heart. Again you keep entertaining me to the max. Well done!
Post subject: Movie published
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Posts: 15913
This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1242] NES Mega Man 2 by Shinryuu, TaoTao, pirohiko & finalfighter in 24:33.50
Skilled player (1835)
Joined: 4/20/2005
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Location: Norrköping, Sweden
Nice to see this published, will download and show to my friends. :) I went to look at how this movie made in the Movie statistics section, and it scored really high: It has by far the highest average rating and entertainment rating, and it placed second on technical rating, just below King's Bounty. Congratulations!