Post subject: hex editing
Active player (284)
Joined: 9/1/2008
Posts: 900
hello I'm doing a breath of fire II run. I realized my restart of the run is only better up to a point; after that, the previous one is better. Reading the hex FAQ made me confused. I used XVI 32, and all I see is a bunch of 0 and 8 and 2... Help!
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Keep in mind that by doing so you may screw up any luck manipulation that occurred in your TAS, so the previous attempt may stop being "better". On topic, I don't know how to help you.
Joined: 3/7/2006
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If you're not comfortable with hex-editing directly, try using TAS Movie Editor or whatever it's called. Find it on this forum or links in the FAQ pages.
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Post subject: Re: hex editing
Active player (293)
Joined: 12/16/2008
Posts: 458
Location: Houston
janus wrote:
hello Reading the hex FAQ made me confused. I used XVI 32, and all I see is a bunch of 0 and 8 and 2... Help!
On the left part of the screen is the Hex and on the right is normal ascii text. Every two Hex numbers represent a Byte, and will range from 00 to FF. So the most important thing is to understand how the movie format is saved. At the start you are going to have a header and then your frames will start and some offset to it. Each frame will likely be represented by 2 bytes, 4 if you recording 2 controllers, in other emulators it will be different. PCSX has a fifth control byte used for open cd or reset, Snes9x may have one too I've never used it but it should be obvious. Each button in a frame is represented by a bit * 00 01 = 00000000 00000001 = Right * 00 02 = 00000000 00000010 = Left * 00 04 = 00000000 00000100 = Down * 00 08 = 00000000 00001000 = Up * 00 10 = 00000000 00010000 = Start * 00 20 = 00000000 00100000 = Select * 00 40 = 00000000 01000000 = Y * 00 80 = 00000000 10000000 = B * 10 00 = 00010000 00000000 = R * 20 00 = 00100000 00000000 = L * 40 00 = 01000000 00000000 = X * 80 00 = 10000000 00000000 = A So if the frame had you pressing start and left you would add the two numbers and the hex for that frame would be 00 0B If the frame has B0 76 it means A,X,Y select, start , down, and left where pressed that frame. So seeing a two ether means L, Select, or Left and 8 means A, B, or UP depending on where they are. So once you have found the frame you want to stop at and and inserted the frames from the other file where your picking up at you need to change the frame count in the header. If it's too small the movie will stop before playing the whole thing. Hope that clears it up, just keep in mind if there is any RNG involved it wont sync no matter what you do.