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Experienced player (763)
Joined: 2/20/2009
Posts: 569
Location: Dominican Republic
Movie File: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/45201094099038554 Link to video NOTE: The encode above includes the whole TAS, with cutscenes being cut. I have to say that im sorry for the huge delay, I will be a father in less than a week from now so I have been quite busy with some personal stuff, and with work too. McBobX have been quite busy too with exams. As for the TAS, we have been working closely with Hetfield90 and Flameberger with small improvements in all the stages made so far, we implemented Wall Boost and Chain Swings in every place possible, improved the Panter Flauclaws, Phoenix Magnion and Hyleg Ourobockle bossfights and some other small savings I can't remember and we also beat Kuwagust Anchus. -Kuwagust Anchus: This stage is pretty linear at the beginning, we beat the midboss and we found a nice chain rod zip that allows us to skip the E-Golem fight to get the elves saving a lot of time. Once we get into the Ciel Hacking autoscroller, we have to protect her for 90 seconds, and this is the perfect place to get the Erase Form (ricochet 30 shots with the Shield), and since we are ahead the Any% TAS in term of weapon xp, we decided to not farm extra xp. So we ended up only using Rising Slash because it does not cause lag frames and used the Shield to ricochet the shots we had to be sure that EVERY enemy is defeated by the saber and not by a ricochet shot, otherwise that would be wasted xp. Afterwards, we picked one last elf before escaping the shuttle. Where we find Kuwagust Anchus, kinda easy bossfight due to having both Chargin Saber and Rod. Elves: 42/81 Skills: 5/10 Forms: 5/8 Tanks: 1/2
Experienced player (763)
Joined: 2/20/2009
Posts: 569
Location: Dominican Republic
Made a TAS comparison video comparing the newest WIP and the old WIP I made back then in VBA. Since both WIPs end up in the same stage I wanted to know how much we've improved. Movies files being compared: v2 - v1 Encode: Link to video Some technical details: -These movie files were made in different emulators (BizHawk with mGBA core for v2 and VBA for v1) which emulates the game differently. Like much less lag frames for VBA which results in faster cutscenes, slightly different FPS, etc. -When I was doing the TAS in VBA, I wasn't going for the Forms because I had to exclude the Ultimate Form, but in the new TAS, we are going for the Forms except Ultimate. Which explains some time loss during some stages (like Elemental Golems for example) to acquire them. -Some significant rod zips have been found since the time I made the TAS on VBA, saving a significant amount of time compared to the old WIP. This also means a route change on when to get the elves in the resistance base with the new zip in the Ciel room that warps you to the Nurse Room, since we already have to go there anyways after beating the first set of bosses it was ideal to get it at this moment.
Experienced player (763)
Joined: 2/20/2009
Posts: 569
Location: Dominican Republic
Movie File: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/48196708798486823 Link to video NOTE: Cutscenes are cut in this video. -Sage Harpuia: In this stage, we go for Active Form (20 dash slash kills) since some enemies are together (like in the beginning) and some enemies are next to slopes so we can cancel the dash slash animation by falling and then walljumping (used on the crystal cave sections), even one reploid got killed this way (sorry man) but since we have a pretty good average score, we went for it. The rest is quite straightforward. -Resistance Base: After beating any boss from the second set, you can get an elf from an old man, but we also went for the bottom floor to get another elf and we return back using zips. NOTE: After encoding we found out that we forgot to include chain swings on the corridors, this will be added in the future. -Burble Hekelot: This stage is quite hard to optimize in 100% due to all the collecting, we managed to find some neat zips through the stage. The block just before the subtank needs to be pulled twice from where we pulled it, it is intended to be pulled from the left block but that requires to destroy the other 2 blocks and we need the top one to do the zip. We got pretty good luck with the bossfight, his EX-Skill proven quite helpfull during the fight (usually, bosses EX-Skill are bad). Elves: 58/81 Skills: 7/10 Forms: 6/8 Tanks: 2/2
Experienced player (770)
Joined: 2/1/2011
Posts: 83
Location: Guangdong, China
Lua: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/64848426840299619 I made a script for item drop prediction, which should help getting Energy Form in a 100% run. Each time an enemy gets killed, the script will give a message that which pool is used. Pool 0 to 7 share the same routine to deal with item drops, and other pools use much different mechanism. As enemies with Pool 0 never drop item, Pool 6 always drop large EC, Pool 7 always drop extra life, these pools are not cover in the script. Pool 5 is used when a elf that make enemies always drop items is used. Lines in different color represent the result of item drop. White stands for nothing, red for HP, blue for EC, green for extra life, and the opacity stands for the size of HP or EC. When a line reach the bottom, corresponding result would happen. By pressing numpad1 and numpad2, the RNG can move backward and forward respectively for a step. Codes for coloring and keys for RNG cheating locates at the beginning of the script, it should be easy to modify in case you don't like it.
Current projects: Castlevania - Order of Ecclesia (NDS)
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