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(unless going through one of the 2d tunnels erases it - I can't remember. if so, ignore me, since getting to the genie with a PoP would be impossible).
Nope, you can keep a PoP throughout the entire dungeon without losing it. I'm more worried about the idea that S&Q might set the counts back to zero.
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Nice to see the hook shot glitch in work. But I wonder why you let the small key bounce once until you collect it in dungeon 5? Everything else was just awesome except the way to the Face Key, but that's not your fault and you can't avoid it, I guess.
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spockybiemmichab wrote:
But I wonder why you let the small key bounce once until you collect it in dungeon 5?
I tried for about 20 minutes and couldn't collect the key without it bouncing. It might not be possible under the circumstances I had. Maur, I just thought of something else; if I S&Q after getting the boots, I lose my PoP. This would eliminate the extra walking speed and make my boss battle much slower. So, the extra seconds taken by walking back are worth it in the end.
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I have nothing more to add at the moment. Only small mistakes and possible improvements after your run is done. But I will now check a little more on your movies to find improvements:). Go ahead with dungeon 8" (Unless you don't want to remake anything...)
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So he should do the eighth dungeon only if he wants to remake anything prior to the point he has played so far?
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Oops, I wrote wrong... I don't think he wants to remake the whole movie:P. So just go and own Turtle Rock! EDIT: I forgot to add a little trick to your route that me and my brother found a year ago: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1616/Small%20trick.vbm You shall be able to jump up the "roof" on your first jump from inside the wall. Just didn't do that now... And also, I went down to the heart piece room for some stupid reasons. That's of course totally useless. This route saves some seconds anyway.
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Up to Turtle Rock: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1633/Testrun3.vbm Mambo-ing once the 6th dungeon is done allows me to skip another owl speech, in case anybody was wondering. Nothing much to note about this segment, although the hookshot/feather method over pits works well :) I didn't see Tompa's last edit until I had already reached dungeon 8, but I did notice it in time before I posted this. Taking the shortcut is about 300 frames faster than otherwise.
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You do not need to read the first sign at the holes. Also, at the sign you switch to the hookshot. You are able to jump with the boots over those holes. It might be faster. Try it. Els I don't think I have anything to comment. Looks good. But I beg you to fix that anyway, it just doesn't look good;). EDIT: For dungeon 8. You have watched my movies, haven't you? I have made the whole dungeon in one movie now http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1634/Dungeon%208.vbm Of course, there are lots to be improved. I just wanted to show you the route:). Always, when you enter a room with doors that will shut; if you jump you can avoid the time when Link's stands still, as you see in the beginning of the movie. The Lava Pit Switch, I guess it is faster to stop it before the last pit so you jump over it instead of walk. I guess this saves a few frames. When I'm clearing the holes to get the key, you shalls switch to the feather and jump around some for entertaining, and also, so you will reach the key before it bounch. Use the mambo to get back, if you use S&Q the switch won't be activated. When coming back to the lavaroom, I guess you can jump so you get closer "the end". Try it. I'm not sure which room is fastest to enter first at the statue with the key. You can try a different solution, may be faster. It's really annoying to wait for the flying enemy to land... I haven't find a way to kill it els, can you? You can come even closer the Nightmare's Key chest. My way is not the fastest one. Also, I'm not always using S&Q to avoid the text when opening a chest, don't know really why but... It is of course possible. The ice rooms suck:). You don't need to go around the ladder once more, and you don't need the text to show up either. But for the last ice room. I'm not sure my way is faster. If you can find a way to avoid the text it would be. Or els just jump down and shoot the ice block from below.
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Alright, I'll redo the sign part... Anyway, I found a big timesaver in dungeon 8! In the room right before the mini-boss, instead of visiting the mini-boss, I just glitched across one of the blocks. I did u+d+l+r+hookshoot, which pulled me across the single block, and let me jump to the other side. This saves a great deal of time, maybe 20-30 seconds? I'll post a video a later.
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Oh you succeded to do that! Nice! I tried a little, not long at all, but couldn't make it. Very nice. EDIT: Are you pressing all directions at the same time? I am not able to do that... Does the chain take a different direction?
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Yeah, you press all four directions at once. Only a few keyboards can do that, so I usually just have VBA hold down some keys for me... An alternative is to remap the four directions to the same key. Here's a video: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1636/D8%20glitch.vbm
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Nice:). Is this the first sequence break you found? Have you found anymore places you can use that on?
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Well, the glitch only works when there's only one block below you, otherwise the hookshot won't attach and pull you over. There might be some other places, but its use is pretty limited. Edit: By the way, switching to hookshot for the sign in the maze doesn't waste time. If I jump using the boots, I have to switch from feather to bracelet to lift the rock, then switch back to feather (2 menu's). If I switch to hookshot and bracelet, then switch the hookshot for the boots, then I have the same number of menus (2). No problem there.
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Ok, just wanted to ask:). I think you can do it in Eagle Tower as well. http://img14.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=37482_Possible_bug_place..._122_314lo.JPG Is it possible to go through the block there to skip the annoying tile room above?
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I would probably need to be above the block to glitch through it that way. I will be doing some testing, though, for other possible hookshot-glitch ways of getting through there.
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You can be thinking of that later. Concentrate on dungeon 8 first:).
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Redone up to the 8th dungeon: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1638/To%208th%20dungeon.vbm I saved 300 frames... I find it amazing that so much time can be saved simply by redoing certain parts of the movie. Thanks, Tompa, for all your helpful nudges to redo parts! I had completed this segment earlier, but then I realized I forgot to get the bird key... Oh, well, I just redid it again.
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Very nice done! Good use of the "hookshot in air" bug :D. Remember when you start with dungeon 8 that you press start so you skip the dungeon entrance text. Then follow my movie and do it 10 times better=). Good luck!
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Guess what? 8th dungeon done. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1643/Through%208th%20dungeon.vbm I now officially HATE the boss of this dungeon. I spent about two hours figuring out how to beat him quickly... In my first version, I was flaming him as fast as possible, but I noticed something was wrong when I had hit him over 30 times and he hadn't slowed down. Watching your movie, Tompa, I though that it was necessary to wait for him to jump out of the lava a second time, but that also failed. Then, I managed to kill him at 50% speed on his first leap out of the lava, but I couldn't replicate it with frame advance until just now (Aargh). It seems that either the boss can be manipulated into being vulnerable (as opposed to just bouncing across the room and me not able to kill him) or that it just requires extreme precision to do it on the first jump.
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Great dungeon! Really nice!
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good wip but... why again keybumping?
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Like before, this key simply refused to be collected on the first bounce. I have no idea why it happens...
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Wow, ich didn't know that it's possible to move while maneuvering those weird boxes. Very good WIP, can't wait until this thing is finished! Edit: Btw: Nice bosskey-shooting ;)
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Haha, lol Spocky:D. I didn't notice that while I was watching... I did notice the keybounch though, but I presume it was the same thing as in Dungeon 5 so I didn't care to mention it. I guess I shall mention those things too:). On your way to dungeon 7: I'm not 100% sure that it is faster to Mambo warp and then walk up the mountains, try both. And also, you can do the small trick in the cave to get up the roof, to get to Eagle's Tower. But with my watch timings and bad movements I found that way slower. But you can try this as well. Keep it up!:D
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I found that Mambo-ing back was faster, since I would have to take some wierd detours if I just jumped off the cliffs and ran back. Anyway, here's the run up to dungeon 7: http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/1653/To%207th%20dungeon.vbm I'm pretty sure this route is fastest. It's pretty straightforward, so I'll be starting on the actual dungeon shortly. Spocky: hehe, I timed my start menu switch so that people would notice it more easily :) It's one of those wierd sprite glitches with l+r.
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