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This is one of my first playthroughs in the TAS World and my first submission to TASVideos. All constructive criticism welcomed.
I also really hope I get this format right.
I don't know if it's just me, but to get the replay often desyncs on start-up, usually around when I'm editing the dipswitches. Restarting the emulator and rerunning the replay file fixes it. If anyone knows any workarounds for that, please let me know.
Game Objectives
  • Plays at the hardest difficulty
  • Takes no damage
  • Trades off speed for entertainment
About The Playthrough
This run relies on very strict 1-frame combos, character-specific combos, using special moves unsafely and heavy stun combos. It pretty much contains everything you wouldn't see experience players using so recklessly. I admit it starts out slow, but I promise it gets better as it progresses.
About The Character
Necro is considered an average to below-average character in the competitive world. He doesn't have the quickness and utility necessary to punish most quick moving fighters but, if captured in a good loop with Necro, he can output good damage along with a heavy stun. Anyone familiar with the Street Fighter series understands he's a bit of a hybrid, mixed with old characters Dhalsim and Blanka, in regards to his moveset.
Additional Comments/About Me
This was my second tool-assisted playthrough on this game. This is a game I've been playing for years, know a lot of frame-specific and situational combos, and many glitches. Though I'm not all that great yet at setting up such glitchy or situational combos because they require certain conditions and some require eating damage on your end which I did not want because I wanted a no-death playthrough.
Whenever I TAS it though, I develop sort of a block when I get into a situation where I can do so many things but can only make one decision. Some I'm happy with, others I'm not but I thought I'd share with you something I've been doing for a while now. I'm actually looking to branch from fighting game playthroughs (which is what I mostly do right now) into other genres.
I've also been lurking this site for about 3-4 years now. Finally decided to register to submit this today, regardless of how well received it may or may not be and gave tool-assisted playthroughs a shot some months ago. I'm turning this into an introduction rather than a submission, but I'll cut the "tl;dr" stuff for another time.
So. I hope you all can get some sort of entertainment from this run. Hopefully I can produce better stuff in the future.

mmbossman: Rejecting due to poor viewer feedback and voting.

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It was more entertaining than most other fighter TASes I've seen, but I still don't think it's entertaining enough for publication. Voting meh. <dwangoAC> This is a TAS (...). Not suitable for all audiences. May cause undesirable side-effects. May contain emulator abuse. Emulator may be abusive. This product contains glitches known to the state of California to cause egg defects. <Masterjun> I'm just a guy arranging bits in a sequence which could potentially amuse other people looking at these bits <adelikat> In Oregon Trail, I sacrificed my own family to save time. In Star trek, I killed helpless comrades in escape pods to save time. Here, I kill my allies to save time. I think I need help.
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I can add some information for Game."Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (USA, 990512)",and rom file is I think the problem about desync is different input configure/setting,maybe P1coin or P1start.I met it before.Do you mind upload your FBA.roms.dat or tell us your input?Foe example
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Meh, don't see whats special about this to warrant publication.
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I don't have time to watch the whole thing at the moment, so here's some questions about how it might stack up compared to other published fighting game runs. 1. Do you control both players at once and use this to create dramatic fights? 2. Do you use every character, so you can show off as many moves and combos as you can? If the answer to both questions is not "Yes," then there's probably not enough entertainment here to warrant publication. I'm not trying to pre-judge your movie, but that's what I've seen from the judgment of recent fighter submissions.
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cool! first SF3/CPS3 TAS here .... Necro is funny (and strange too) I liked of your style in the TAS but I think you need show something more interesting and with more variety too can improve this one with your creativity but, to show a run here just with one character is the hardest especially when is fighting games....
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For future reference, use Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha, X-Men vs Street Fighter, Killer Instinct, and the Mortal Kombat TASes when making a Fighting game TAS. While more entertaining than a recent boring, TAS, the entertainment for this isn't up to par. At times it is mostly the same combo juggling used in the corner with the same specials, as well as letting the enemy attack so you can block it. The AI however doesn't seem to be set that high, and a bit of improvement could be done to make it more entertaining, such as what was mentioned earlier. Using both players at the same time would be very interesting, especially when the fights end up close, and showcasing all playable characters also ups the entertainment value. The closest to a yes I can give this is a meh, barely beating out a no.
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Syncs on V3.03 (fba-rr-v003c). Not gonna do an encode of this. A) The sound is set to 22,050 Hz (instead of 44.1 or 48 kHz) B) FBA-RR doesn't auto-split the file (even FAMTASIA does this) C) the newest emulator (fba-rr-v004a) has been out for quite some time now, I don't see why the run was made using an older emulator. After watching the movie, I noticed a LOT of blocked hits, misses, and things that just looked sloppy. It was also very repetitive. Sorry to say, I'm voting no on this.
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This run isn't sufficiently varied to make for an interesting demonstration of a fighting game. I agree with the above comments that use of multiple players and multiple fighters is desirable in runs of games of this genre. I vote No.
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Voted No. It looks pretty sloppy, much unlike the idea that you know everything the computer will do and how to keep the computer at bay. Missed hits, lots of blocking, and a very slow pace contribute to the lack of an entertaining factor that I feel is missing.
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I see a lot of potential here. Some good combos there and I like how you use the guy in unconventional ways. Still, it gets a bit stale after a few matches. Vary the chars a bit and maybe throw in a few glitches here and there. Then you'll have a good publication material. I highly recommend you taking a few queues from Street Fighter vs X-Men.
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It's an OK run but the Twelve run is more interesting (see YouTube) as he/it/she(?) can change into other characters. This run isn't bad, but it's not that special either. Find major bugs (doubt they exist) or add in 2 player fights to keep it interesting.
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Similarly voting No because Twelve is in this game. I wanted to make mention that I liked the way you ended the last match, though, and this run has shown me a lot of rankings that I didn't know the game even had the capability to award.
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I tried watching this, but didn't find it very entertaining at all. Voting no.
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guess what it's the good and old TASVideos bias against fighting games. I don't know why you even bother adding Arcade games if 90% of the games seems "unsuitable for TASing". But if it's a RPG, no problemo. Voting yes. I liked the movie.
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
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Not too impressed gets a yes from me anyway because I liked the lv5 ball stage One thing I tried with mine was to have a theme for each round, that way I have a game plan and I'm not just reacting and doing Bnbs all the time, but it also helps the viewer follow what was happening and keep interest. double impact might have been a better game because the game has a looser juggle system But yah fighting games are hard to tas
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Doesn't seem like this has a place on TASVideos but looking at the comments on YouTube, they seem to like your fighting. I say, don't give up. Keep making movies. Keep trying to get better. Stay creative and have fun doing it, the whole way. Don't worry too much about TASVideos and its criticisms, after all, it's a tough crowd. As for this movie, I watched maybe 1 round and thought to myself "it felt Tool-Assisted but definitely nothing noteworthy." I don't know much about SF3 so there's no help there either. I won't vote because it won't matter (plus, it'd be unfair without witnessing the run in full).
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OmegaWatcher wrote:
I don't know why you even bother adding Arcade games if 90% of the games seems "unsuitable for TASing".
Ha ha ha ha. Verrrry funny. Voted Meh. I found it a bit sloppy, but some parts were entertaining.
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
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OmegaWatcher wrote:
guess what it's the good and old TASVideos bias against fighting games. I don't know why you even bother adding Arcade games if 90% of the games seems "unsuitable for TASing".
First off, Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crud. :) Secondly, this game is almost certainly suitable for TASing. It just needs the right kind of TAS. Fighting games being what they are, a run that goes for pure speed is just going to consist of the same set of optimal DPS combos executed over and over again; the TASer here clearly knows this since he varied his combos, which adds some variety. But there's only so much room for combo variety in a fighting game if you're going to be using the same character for the entire run -- after all, most fighting games feature 10-15 bouts and have characters with maybe, what, 30 moves tops? So no matter what you do, eventually your audience will become familiar with every move in the character's repertoire and you cease being able to surprise them. It's no surprise that the best-received fighting game TASes on this site are Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 and X-Men vs. Street Fighter, which switched out characters regularly to keep the gameplay fresh.
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Sadly, even if the 10 best TASers on the planet pooled all their skill together to make a Necro movie, it still wouldn't be entertaining. Twelve is your best bet although its a shame he cant use EXes or Supers while X-Copied.
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Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been posting much of anything. Had to get some things out of the way. Just wanted to say thanks for all of the feedback. I had someone suggest to me to try to put a TAS on the site so, though a bit reluctant, I went ahead anyway. So I guess I'm just testing the waters here a bit. I have indeed thought about just doing an All-Character TAS with me of course controlling both characters. I've been playing this game for years and know most of the ins-and-outs. I can most definitely say I could produce better while demonstrating all available characters. To explain a bit to those who may be unfamiliar: Yes, unlike most recent Street Fighter games, I'm limited to only one Super Art. From the get-go I knew that was already an imposing limitation on this and after this run with Necro, which was my second TAS, that's when I got to thinking about exhibiting all characters in one TAS which I feel I'm more than capable of. I do intend to make it, of which maybe I'll make another submission on here hopefully entertaining those who didn't find this so. But again, thanks for all the comments.
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12 + x-copy, that would probably make the best tas. Plus, 12 is a great character to watch when used by an expert.
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I have indeed thought about just doing an All-Character TAS with me of course controlling both characters. I've been playing this game for years and know most of the ins-and-outs. I can most definitely say I could produce better while demonstrating all available characters.
If done with the same precision as your Necro movie here, I think this would be much more publishable. I'm not saying the Necro movie was bad, but there's only so much you can do with a single character. It was okay, and that's it. Meh vote.
Previous Name: boct1584
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As a 3rd Strike player, this run lack of veriety, isn't so much fun, you should use Urien. Because he is a LOT better for combos than Necro, and a lot of techniques like charge partitioning. Watch some RX (japanese player) matches and take a shot with Urien. I will vote Meh. You know about the game and I hope a new run soon! :)
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om, nom, nom... 'twas dry