Warp: it's called the
mass defect. The strong nuclear force, which holds the nucleus together, has an effect curve that looks roughly like this:

At this typical distance between nucleons (i.e. neutrons and protons), the attraction of the strong force outweighs the repulsion of the electrostatic force between the two protons, leaving the nucleons in a lower energy state compared to being a bit further apart.
If you were to move the four nucleons much further apart, they would gain potential energy due to moving against the field, in a similar way to gravitational potential energy gained by something when you lift it up.
Now imagine two systems: one with the four nucleons in the
4He nucleus, and one with the four nucleons "infinitely far" apart (that is, negligible force exerted on each other). There is a difference in energy between the two systems: the
nuclear binding energy, or the energy required to split a nucleus into its components.
Because mass and energy are equivalent (E=mc
2), the systems have different masses, with the difference in mass (Δm) proportional to the difference in energy (ΔE):
Δm = ΔE / c
This happens to be a great enough quantity for
4He that it is greater than the difference in mass between two protons and two neutrons.