This page documents various markup used on the forums (since some of the markup is not standard BBCode you see on other forums).
Note this is only for the forums and PMs; wiki pages use different formatting.

Text modifiers:

Markup Meaning
[b]...[/b] Make text between tags bold
[bgcolor=#ff7f00]...[/bgcolor][3] Make text background between tags colored #ff7f00 (orange)
[color=#ff7f00]...[/color] Make text between tags colored #ff7f00 (orange)
[highlight]...[/highlight] Make text between tags highlighted (yellow background)
[i]...[/i] Make text between tags italic
[noparse]...[/noparse] Insert some literal text without further parsing
[s]...[/s] Make text between tags struck through
[size=9]...[/size] Make text between tags a certain size (size 9)
[spoiler]...[/spoiler] Make text black on black background, with on mouse hover display effect
[sub]...[/sub] Make text between tags subscript
[sup]...[/sup] Make text between tags superscript
[tt]...[/tt] Make text between tags monospaced
[u]...[/u] Make text between tags underlined

Text block modifiers:

Markup Meaning
[center]...[/center] Make block of text centered
[code]...[/code] Mark block of text as code
[code=lua]...[/code] Mark block of text as code, with syntax highlighting for lua[1]
[code=blah.lua]...[/code] Mark block of text as code, with highlighting for lua, and allow the file to be downloaded
[left]...[/left] Make block of text aligned left
[list]...[/list] Indent one or more items to be used as definitions for a definition list (separated by new lines within the tag)
[note]...[/note] Draw blue border around block of text
[quote]...[/quote] Make block of text marked as quoted
[quote="foo"]...[/quote] Make block of text marked as quoted from foo
[right]...[/right] Make block of text aligned right
[warning]...[/warning] Draw red border around block of text and prefix with red warning

Frame calculator:

Markup Meaning
[frames]12345[/frames] Display 12345 frames at 60fps as time
[frames]12345@50.5[/frames]Display 12345 frames at 50.5fps as time

Inline content:

Markup Meaning
[img]http://example.url/foo.png[/img] Embed image http://example.url/foo.png
[img=480x360]http://example.url/foo.png[/img] Embed image http://example.url/foo.png, scaling to 480x360
[video]http://example.url/foo[/video] Inline video (limited sources supported)[2]
[video=640x480]http://example.url/foo[/video] Inline video, scaling to 640x480
Markup Meaning
[email]address@domain.example[/email] Mailto link to address@domain.example
[email=address@domain.example]...[/email] Mailto link to address@domain.example with given link text
[google]foo bar baz[/google] Link to Google search for 'foo bar baz'
[google=code]foo bar baz[/google] Link to Google code search for 'foo bar baz'
[google=images]foo bar baz[/google] Link to Google image search for 'foo bar baz'
[movie]12345[/movie] Link to movie 12345M
[movie=12345]...[/movie] Link to movie 12345M with given link text
[post]12345[/post] Link to forum post #12345
[post=12345]...[/post] Link to forum post #12345 with given link text
[submission]12345[/submission] Link to submission 12345S
[submission=12345]...[/submission] Link to submission 12345S with given link text
[thread]12345[/thread] Link to forum thread #12345
[thread=12345]...[/thread] Link to forum thread #12345 with given link text
[url]http://example.url/foo[/url] Hyperlink to http://example.url/foo
[url=http://example.url/foo]...[/url] Hyperlink to http://example.url/foo with given link text
[wiki]foo[/wiki] Link to wikipage named foo
[wiki=foo]...[/wiki] Link to wikipage named foo with given link text
[wip]123[/wip] Link to a userfile (WIP) numbered 123
[wip=123]...[/wip] Link to userfile (WIP) numbered 123 with given link text


Markup Meaning
[table]...[/table][3] Table, use [tr] markup to define rows
[tr]...[/tr][3] Table row, use [td] markup to define cells
[td]...[/td][3] Table cell, containing specified text

Broken tags:

Markup Intended Meaning
[list=]...[/list] Supposed to indent and number one or more items (separated by new lines within the tag)
[hr] Supposed to force a horizontal line break (according to some specs)
[1] The following languages are supported:
[2] Following sources are supported:
Direct HTTP file links to:
Video from the following sites:
For example, if you wanted to link to the YouTube video at, you would use [video][/video], and not [video]mBSE2QkHMeU[/video] or any sort of embed code you find on a particular site.
[3] These tags are currently experimental, and their names and usage are likely to change in the future.

ForumMarkup last edited by YoshiRulz on 12/29/2024 3:11 AM
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