Final Fantasy Adventure

  • Action
  • RPG


Final Fantasy Adventure is the first game in the Seiken Densetsu (聖剣伝説) series, a series best known for the Super Nintendo game Secret of Mana. It plays similarly to The Legend of Zelda, with some Final Fantasy elements added.
This run by Atomnium forgoes warps so as to show off more of the game. It also improves upon the previous run by 00:13.47 seconds thanks to improved manipulation and strategies.
Final Fantasy Adventure is the first game of the Seiken Densetsu (聖剣伝説) series, but it does contain some classic Final Fantasy elements. The series is probably best known for the SNES game Secret of Mana. This game was later remade on the Game Boy Advance as Sword of Mana. Its gameplay resembles that of a The Legend of Zelda game, but with level building.
In this run, Touch-me utilizes a glitch to warp across the map, cutting down the completion time by a lot compared to the warpless run. He also improves the previous run in this category by 51:22.57 minutes thanks to a big new warp glitch that allows him to reach the top of the Tower of Gemma early.
The baseline tab shows the default movie beating the game as fast as possible without any special conditions.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Good Final Fantasy Adventure (USA).gb U GB SHA1: 8B93C55EE2660C60CF86DD70058F96ACE98782C8