Rockman 3: The Last of Mushroom Kingdom?!

  • Id: 3232
  • Platforms: NES
  • Abbreviation: r3tlomk
  • Display Name: Rockman 3: The Last of Mushroom Kingdom?!
  • Game Groups:
  • Mega Man 3,Megaman 3,Kinoko Oukoku no Saigo?!
  • Action
  • Platformer
  • Hack


Rockman 3: The Last of Mushroom Kingdom?! (ロックマン3 キノコ王国の最期!?, Rockman 3: The End of the Mushroom Kingdom!?) is a ROM hack of Mega Man 3 that takes all the levels from Super Mario Bros. and combines them with Mega Man 3's gameplay. Every block and warp was preserved from the original levels, and bosses and extra levels were added to make up for Mega Man 3's romhacking limitations. And to ensure the levels aren't too difficult to complete, certain mechanics were changed such as having higher jump heights and maintained sliding momentum.
Tiancaiwhr here completes this romhack in record time using the usual warp points that are utilized in most Super Mario Bros. speedruns.

Game Versions

TypeNameTitle OverrideRegionVersionPlatformHashes
Hack rock3mushroom.nes J NES SHA1: E0E428AD1EB6131C2C105B9CC9EF05C85CA6D8DF
MD5: D423EEEB86044D4044320BB94D8168F2