Hey! I'm MarioAtWork, or Cephla as I'm known everywhere else (I changed to Cephla in Septemeber 2022 and changing it on TASVideos would be a big hassle so unless someone with the ability and willingness to, it won't change here). I started off by speedrunning Wii Sport 'All Sports' in July 2020 because it was one of my favourite games to play when I was younger and I wanted a new purpose/excuse to play it on repeat for hours at a time. I don't quite remember what the best time I got was since I never submitted but I think it was around 20 minutes. In August of the same year, I found Breath of the Wild speedrunning and started off by running Die%, a category in which I've got a top 5 time in but still haven't got the sub-minute.
Over the past two and a half years of being a BotW speedrunner, I've managed to achieve wr's and top times in numerous categories, some quite competitive or typical for a Zelda game and others... not so much. I've also helped develop a series of Best Theoretical Times for the game, with two new ones being released on 3rd March (its 6th birthday) and multiple still in development. To add to the haul of stuff I've done, I was made a verifier on 8th August 2022, roughly two years since I started running the game.
But that's stuff to do with my rta speedgame. I found TASing after spectating the race for 4:54 in the SMB1 community during the summer of 2021. This was when I came across HappyLee's TAS and I really enjoyed the idea of being able to watch a game played in a way humans simply can't. So I downloaded FCEUX and started trying to TAS 8-4 just to get a feel for TASing. I really liked it and so I downloaded BizHawk and had my eye on Donkey Kong Jr. Math. I'm not sure why I chose this game but I spent ages on it trying to figure out the best board layouts with my limited TASing knowledge. I took a break from the game after downloading Desmume and took some time to TAS Postman Pat and Peppa Pig which are two games that wouldn't have had a chance at being accepted back then (which is why I've tried to have a go at them and actually submit them (april fool's day here I come (got three planned submissions and those are two of them))).
Since then, I've slowly built up a number of TAS's to my name after I started submitting in May of 2022. These games are predominantly homebrews mainly because I prefer the graphics, movement and overall concepts of them though I will TAS officially released games from time to time though these will either be obscure or games no one except Chardcore may have a go at TASing. So that's a 'bit' about me I wanted to write because I'm bored (again) despite working on a TAS as I write this.

WIP's that are taking me ages

I have quite a habit of leaving TAS's longer than 5 or so minutes in limbo far longer than I'd like, only coming back to TAS another 10-60 seconds every month or so. So instead of actually trying to finish them, here's a list of games I really want to TAS and have some WIP file somewhere.
Nova the SquirrelNEShttps://tasvideos.org/UserFiles/Info/637955618423339391
Postman PatDSN/A (I started working on another one a couple months ago and finished a first draft)
Peppa Pig: The GameDSN/A ^
Alex Kidd in the Enchanted CastleGenesishttps://tasvideos.org/UserFiles/Info/637941057318707931
Flushed AwayDShttps://tasvideos.org/UserFiles/Info/637955627071727609
Project MDGenesisN/A
LEGO BatmanGenesishttps://tasvideos.org/UserFiles/Info/638093185722150570

HomePages/Cephla last edited by Cephla on 1/20/2023 6:45 PM
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