About me

Hi! I'm Comicalflop, I'm 20 years old, and I live in Massachusetts. I joined this site in 2006-06-13, after spending a few months browsing around. I first got into TASing when my brother showed me Morimoto's SMB3 TAS and I started thinking about speedrunning videogames. Through my initial feeble attempts with Super Mario World on ZSNES (I didn't hold items underwater, that's how bad I was. I got roughly times of 13-14 minutes?), I offhandedly discovered this site, was inspired by GuanoBowl's Ocarina of Time TAS, and dove right into making a Donkey Kong Country 2 102% TAS. I was made an editor as of 2006-12-04, to which I try to make and edit some interesting and informative pages. I have this tendency to get easily distracted and start thinking about/working on different projects, even though I'm supposed to be focusing on only one major one, but I can't help who I am now can I? I TAS many games that I have never played, and sometimes never even heard of before. Many games I just simply observe and all the little details and complexities make sense to me. Because of this, I am of the opinion that you generally do not have to be a complete master at a game to TAS it; dedication and thinking outside the box usually wins in the end (although being a master is required for some games, and helpful for most.)
I should probably make an opinions page like a few other members did, I have many strong opinions about the site as well.
I also like to encode things, but I'm not terribly smart with computers and encoding so I only do single pass stuff.
I also like to be very encouraging to members new to TASing, as well as use my intuitive eye to closely watch the progress of runs and point out possible improvements if I spot any.
As of recently, I've thought about getting my hands on recording equipment and trying to make a speedrun. That would be fun, but I'm finding it hard to get the recording equipment and get fully comfortable speedrunning the entirety of my game of choice.
I so far have:
-The WR for Mischief Maker's 4-05, Rescue Act II. 28.47"

-Almost WR for 5-01, 0.18" seconds away
-Almost WR for 2-08
Hopefully I'll beat some more, get them recorded, and submit them to SDA with Veysey.

Published Runs/Contributions

DKC Glitches pt. 1 Commentary Yeah my voice sucked in this. Bah Tompa my voice needs to be more sexy and manly next time! DKC glitches pt. 2 Commentary I said I wanted my voice sexier! Blarg!
DKC Glitches pt. 4 Commentary Better.... getting there....
Donkey Kong Country Tricks- Needs updating, especially to include new DKC2 tricks shown in Arne's run, and to account for many new discoveries in DKC as well as DKC3.
Super Mario Kart Physics
Zelda Ocarina Of Time Tricks
Super Mario 64 Tricks Needs more content. There's more to this game than BLJing.
[Yoshi's Island Tricks] Doesn't need more content. Spezzafer is one hell of a thorough dude.
OoT 100% TAS Route, OoT new any% TAS route v3- I personally no longer need these, but they're here to be here if someone needs them. Oy, they need updating yet again, thanks to Deku Tree and DoT skip.
Majora's Mask any% TAS improvements
Zelda A Link To The Past Tricks- Needs content. Like seriously.
Lady Sia Tricks
N64 Wishlist- This project sort of died, but I'm positive my efforts have made N64 TASing increase a little, which was my intended goal. The .shtuff site seems to have expired, so I should re-research everything and get it on the TAS wiki. Sigh, all that data lost....
Wetrix 1 Minute Challenge Mode. Cancelled. Deign beat my score by an enormous amount. My run was accepted and paved the way for another N64 movie to be published, so I'm glad in that regard at least.
SSB High Score Time Attack. Rejected. Man was this one controversial; SSB is cursed it seems. But for anyone that wants to see: Downloadable SSB High Score TAS
Super Monkey Ball Jr.. Cancelled. I probably should have only posted this in the GBA thread rather than submit, especially because I missed a very obvious trick to skip stage intros.


I start runs more than I finish, so the workbench does not see movies from me very often. My main projects are massive ones, so those that are more anticipated by the community will not see submission for a long time, especially since I usually am stuck doing more than one at a time and I have real life things getting in the way.

Current Projects

I've decided to keep most of what I do a secret, and not share what I'm doing so that I can either surprise audiences or be able to abandon something without upsetting anyone. Which is a good thing, seeing how that's a bad habit of mine.
But I am working steadfastly on this game:

Mischief Makers

Progress: Currently in World 4. Worlds 4 and 5 have sub optimal runs completed by Dark Fulgore.

Favorite Movies

Favorite Speedruns

WIP runs that I'm dying to see

Favorite Quotes

Well, kirby is in a "flopped" position, and it looks quite "comical"--laughing_gas
<AnotherGamer> Flomica Cop...damnit, not quite.
<Xkeeper> Comicalflop: would you want a detachable ass
<Xkeeper> so that you could really laugh your ass off?
<Comicalflop> Must be something in the water. Or the fact that you have a bird on your money.
<DeHackEd> There's a bird on one side and a loon on the other.
<AngerFist> Shinryuu dont move a inch or smile like you always do, but there is a giant ass-eating snake in your pants.
<Shinryuu> AngerFist : really.. oh.. i can feel it..
<DK64_MASTER trirockets the cookie jar
<DK64_MASTER> where's your cookies now biotches!
<Comicalflop> tri rocket the cookie jar? overkill!
<DK64_MASTER> 300% accuracy
<DK64_MASTER> most deadly weapon
<DK64_MASTER> cookies killed: 2000
<Xkeeper> Comicalflop: I love you, but not in the touchy feely way.
<erokky> what did funguy do again? was he the one who kept promoting that crappy smw hack?
<DK64_MASTER> promoting?
<DK64_MASTER> more like fellating it with his balls
<DK64_MASTER> I just called up my sister
<DK64_MASTER> she said I got 2:27
<Kles> :-P
<DK64_MASTER> oh well
<Kles> not bad though
<DK64_MASTER> not bad
<Comicalflop> she remembers?
<DK64_MASTER> she's at home
<Dacicus> She checked, maybe?
<DK64_MASTER> I didn't ask her the lap time
<Comicalflop> "hey sis what's up?" "you got 2;27 on that course"
<DK64_MASTER> ah, but I remember
<Dacicus> lol
<DK64_MASTER> I have another memory card
<DK64_MASTER> somewhere
<DK64_MASTER> with better times
<Comicalflop> i.e. another sister?
<DK64_MASTER> and I don't know where the fuck I put it X_X
<Comicalflop> :-P
<DK64_MASTER> oh well, I'll stop pestering her
<Comicalflop> the both of them?
<DK64_MASTER> I use the black memory card
<DK64_MASTER> because it's faster
<Comicalflop> ....
<Comicalflop> I jusy made it weird
<jimsfriend> :-P
<Comicalflop> sister = memory card
<jimsfriend> DK, is the other memory card white?
<DeHackEd> if peeps yell "unoptimized", I will confront them, take them into a dark alley and proceed to play the bagpipes.
<AKA> but its just like scrolling through text boxes in other games except you only have one button to do it with.
<Comical Flop> yeah, but texts don't move anywhere
<moozooh> i suddenly understood how to make a cool name out of "Comicalflop"!
<moozooh> add "64" to it! because 64 makes things cool.
<moozooh> that's almost a slogan.
<moozooh> Comicalflop64 -- I'd play it! (tm)
<Raiscan> can't you just finish what you've started so I can watch it and give it a rating and perhaps want your babies?
<Inzult> In every community I'm in it's all "oh hey, it's the beard with the guy attatched to it"
<Chamale> One guy says that you have to press Z or R twice after pressing A to open the chest. I don't have the game, so I can't test that.
<Dromiceius> Was his name Peppy, by any chance?
<AnotherGamer> Without squigglybeam there is no raiden
<BisqBot> COMICALFLOP Stats(base/max) hp: 4/181-211 atk: 101/270-300 def: 8/84-114 spd: 73/214-244 spA: 99/266-296 spD: 8/84-114 (STEEL/GHOST)/SPIKES
<mmbossman> And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say, that Xkeeper's small heart grew three sizes that day!
<PotatoPatrick> i'm not sure what the british have to do with anything
<PotatoPatrick> but i have to blame some random group of people for this!
<PotatoPatrick> there are green tea demons hiding in lamps, chairs, and enviga energy drink
<PotatoPatrick> and they're trying to eat the world
<PotatoPatrick> and possess everyone
<PotatoPatrick> i hate when people wear invisible hats
<PotatoPatrick> i get weird stares when i randomly tell 'em YO THAT'S A NICE INVISIBLE HAT
<PotatoPatrick> but you.. you may think you're a door, BUT THAT'S WHY WE HAVE DOORSTOPS
<PotatoPatrick> and you may think you're a shotgun but i'd never cock you.. i'd use my claws isntead
<PotatoPatrick> but the joke's on them!
<PotatoPatrick> my invisible hat has a feather on it
PotatoPatrick> it's a good thing plungers have no hair!
PotatoPatrick> theenglishman: you'rwe such a dark spot that my flashlight will strip you of your dark blur
<PotatoPatrick> black holes are evil
<PotatoPatrick> and eat too damn much

Contact me

You can PM me, AIM/Skype me at Comicalflop, email me at [mailto:joshnfrostburn@yahoo.com], or chat with me on IRC, I go there regularly. Feel free to talk to me about anything TAS/speedrunning related.

HomePages/Comicalflop last edited by Comicalflop on 6/27/2008 9:06 PM
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