
Hello, my name is Josh, aka "Chaos Crusader" Velitha. My nickname originally came from the RNG from World of Warcraft. I was making a Belfadin (That is, Blood Elf Paladin... yes I make chicks, if I'm gonna be looking at somebody's behind for 6 hours a day, it'd better look... 'nice'...), and clicked on "randomize" and came up with "Velitha" as an RNG result. Since that name is taken on nearly EVERY SERVER, I had to use "Vanitha" (Vanity is a word I like to describe myself as :) as my pally on Aerie Peak. I since moved her to sh1tty Velen (server self-joke). The "Chaos Crusader" part is my self-title from a 'book' I'm writing... I can call myself whatever I darn well wanna in writing :)
I live in the middle of "nowhere", aka in the middle of a cherry orchard. In the wonder city in Oregon named "The Dalles". 90 Minutes from Portland, and I dunno how long from Salem. FREE CHERRIES FTFW!!!!
People do mistake my love of writing for me being a girl >.> I can't help it sometimes lol. I write like I talk. I also have a tendency to get wrapped up in something and never put it down till I've strangled every last ounce of enjoyment out of it.
I'm a long time TAS fan. I started visiting when I learned of a tas that I have long since forgotten which one it was :/ . When I learned the site was 'closing' (LAME APRIL FOOLS JOKE BTW) I came out of the darkness to voice my opinion. It was around 2007 when I first visited, and lurked around. (I remember the "Teddy survives" encode hehe)
Oh and one more thing... I have Asperger's Syndrome. Kinda like ADHD, on crack. IRL, I take stuff kinda literally, and in conversations, I usually end up saying something 'dirty-sounding' innocently/accidentally. People also say I have a hard time interpreting 'body language' (and not the song neither) and verbal cues. In english: I sometimes have problems understanding what you say if you word it wrong.



My notable encodes include:


YAST: (Y)et (A)nother (S)tupid (T)ool: A "Master Batch file" of sorts, to replace the 30 or so batch files I use for encoding things. I want it to autoselect the correct logos and AR by looking at the input avi dump, as well as encode the mixed.avi audio into aac automatically.
Plans: Automated logo choosing (or have a custom one), select encoding settings (CRF, merange, tesa/umh, subme) or choose presets.
Things needed: mediainfo CLI, Vdub CLI
Roadblocks: A way to load input from a textfile. Somehow figure out how to parse the numbers from the text file. Figure how to operate VDub from CLI and get it to dump wave files.

HomePages/Velitha last edited by Velitha on 6/25/2010 5:18 PM
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