Tool-assisted movies (2)

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 6/18/2005
This game is evil. It gives you power-downs constantly of which you're bound to pick one up sooner or later.
The traps and hazards in this game usually go off when they are in the middle of the screen. Because Werewolf has discovered how to walk backwards and not scroll the screen, it means that he doesn't have to deal with most of them. Also if he manages to somehow get stuck inside a wall and jumps, he will fall through it.
The game features a lot of lycantropian acrobatics and good visuals for its time.

Published on 3/13/2009
This game is evil. It gives you power-downs constantly of which you're bound to pick one up sooner or later.
The traps and hazards in this game usually go off when they are in the middle of the screen. Because Werewolf has discovered how to walk backwards and not scroll the screen, it means that he doesn't have to deal with most of them. Also if he manages to somehow get stuck inside a wall and jumps, he will fall through it.
The game features a lot of lycanthropian acrobatics and good visuals for its time.
This is a joint collaboration between AndrewG and AnS, saving 2 minutes 25 seconds compared to the previous version. Together they quicken the boss fights, glitch up the game even more, do a little dance, and howl at the moon.

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  1. Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site).
  2. The movies must be prominently labeled as tool-assisted speedruns.
  3. The actual player(s) (always shown at this site) must be properly credited.
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