Tool-assisted movies (2)

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 3/26/2009
Ghoul School is a game where a multi-talented teen named Spike O'Hara fights through a horde of various ghouls with the talent of MacGuyver, needing only a towel, shoes, springs, and embalming fluid.
Normally, this game would require getting many more items, but due to heavy glitching, most of the items are skipped and the game is completed in a mere four minutes.
Ghoul School

Video Downloads:
High Quality MKV
Emulator Replay:
FCEU 0.98.12

Published on 8/3/2010
Ghoul School is a game where a multi-talented teen named Spike O'Hara fights through a horde of various ghouls with the talent of MacGyver, needing only a towel, shoes, springs, and embalming fluid.
Normally, this game would require getting many more items, but due to heavy glitching, most of the items are skipped and the game is completed in a mere four minutes. This is a 7 second improvement over the previous run.

WARNING: it is advised for those with sensitivity to light flashes to skip 4:26 to 4:34 of the video encodes.
Watch this run being played back on a real console.
Ghoul School

Video Downloads:
High Quality MKV
Emulator Replay:
FCEUX 2.1.1-interim

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  1. Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site).
  2. The movies must be prominently labeled as tool-assisted speedruns.
  3. The actual player(s) (always shown at this site) must be properly credited.
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