Tool-assisted movies (2)

Published on 11/24/2010
Hocus Pocus, published by Apogee Software (developed by Moonlight Software) in 1994 sees a "puny" dropout wizard setting on a quest to collect crystals which will make him powerful. On his way, Hocus is ignoring important information given to him by Terexin while defeating enemies and bosses so that Land of Lattice will become more safe to travel. By completing four tests, he will also be accepted into the Council of Wizards and marry Popopa, daughter of Terexin who leads the Council.
IsraeliRD completes the first of these tests in 15:09.62 minutes, while the player doesn't care about the enemies and get through a horde of them without taking a lot of damage. You can check the author's comments to learn more about his techniques.
The same player did a run for the next episode as well.

Published on 1/26/2011
Hocus Pocus, published by Apogee Software (developed by Moonlight Software) in 1994 sees a "puny" dropout wizard setting on a quest to collect crystals which will make him powerful. On his way, Hocus is ignoring important information given to him by Terexin while defeating enemies and bosses so that Land of Lattice will become more safe to travel. By completing four tests, he will also be accepted into the Council of Wizards and marry Popopa, daughter of Terexin who leads the Council.
IsraeliRD completes the second of these tests in 13:48.61 minutes, while the player doesn't care about the enemies and get through a horde of them without taking a lot of damage. You can check the author's comments to learn more about his techniques.
The same player did a run for the first episode as well.

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  1. Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site).
  2. The movies must be prominently labeled as tool-assisted speedruns.
  3. The actual player(s) (always shown at this site) must be properly credited.
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