Tool-assisted movies (3)

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 8/29/2004
In this game you are supposed to hunt down an evil crime syndicate (so what else is new?) by freeing kids from blocks of ice, and capturing the red guys to get clues. Unfortunately the ninja didn't have time for that, he just walks past all baddies and kills the bosses.
This syndicate turns out to be selling drugs, but the Black Manta sets them straight: "Drugs kill you think you're cool but you're not." Yeah!
We recommend reading the author's comments of this movie.
This game has a crazy main music theme.

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 8/31/2004
In this game you are supposed to hunt down an evil crime syndicate (so what else is new?) by freeing kids from blocks of ice, and capturing the red guys to get clues. Unfortunately the ninja didn't have time for that, he just walks past all baddies and kills the bosses.
This syndicate turns out to be selling drugs, but the Black Manta sets them straight: "Drugs kill you think you're cool but you're not." Yeah!
This version is 25 seconds faster than the previous version by the same author.
We recommend reading the author's comments of this movie.
This game has a crazy main music theme.

This movie has been obsoleted!
Obsoleting Movie
Published on 4/30/2006
In this game you are supposed to hunt down an evil crime syndicate (so what else is new?) by freeing kids from blocks of ice, and capturing the red guys to get clues. Unfortunately the ninja didn't have time for that, he just walks past all baddies and kills the bosses.
The syndicate turns out to be selling drugs, but the Black Manta sets them straight: Drugs kill you think you're cool but you're not. Yeah!
This version is 20 seconds faster than the previous version by Walker_Boh. We recommend reading the author's comments for this movie.
This game has a crazy main music theme.

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Republication of movies from this site is only allowed under the following conditions:
  1. Video and audio content must not be changed (including the pointers to this site).
  2. The movies must be prominently labeled as tool-assisted speedruns.
  3. The actual player(s) (always shown at this site) must be properly credited.
Do not label them with speculations. If unsure, ask the site staff for details.