This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
874 SNES The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey and Minnie "2 players" by jaysmad in 19:03.97
2612 SNES The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey and Minnie "2 players" by jaysmad in 15:57.01
Fred rolling on a rock above lava to get away from a dinosaur. 2278 SNES The Flintstones: The Treasure of Sierra Madrock by HHS in 18:23.63 Fred rolling on a rock above lava to get away from a dinosaur.
Fighting fires 2263 SNES The Firemen by Cardboard & meepers in 15:26.67 Fighting fires
230 SNES The Combatribes "2 players" by Phil & Genisto in 13:08.07
3189 SNES The Combatribes "2 players" by Alyosha & Dooty in 10:26.42
2814 SNES The Blues Brothers "2 players" by Asdrien in 09:23.77
2815 SNES The Blues Brothers "1 player" by Asdrien in 15:51.25
1580 SNES The Amazing Spider-Man: Lethal Foes by Mukki in 09:37.12
3242 SNES The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends by WarHippy in 15:16.37
1366 SNES The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt by Cpadolf in 13:11.05
393 SNES The Addams Family: Pugsley's Scavenger Hunt by Blublu in 13:58.63
1411 SNES The Addams Family by Kyman & Sonikkustar in 03:19.35
1579 SNES The Addams Family by Kyman & Sonikkustar in 03:06.80
903 SNES The Addams Family by Deign in 03:42.23
3875 SNES The Addams Family by Challenger & EZGames69 in 02:52.77
3811 SNES The Addams Family "all bosses" by Challenger, EZGames69 & GarbiTheGlitcheress in 12:53.39
Lux attacking Red Pison with 1 HP and a dead partner. 1624 SNES The 7th Saga by Kirkq & Nitrodon in 1:50:17.43 Lux attacking Red Pison with 1 HP and a dead partner.
5880 SNES The 12th Annual Vanilla Level Design Contest: Collaboration Hack "all exits, Dragon Coins & 3-Up Moons" by Darkman425 in 3:49:36.76
5284 SNES Tetris Battle Gaiden by enderpal7 in 18:44.56
4175 SNES Tetris Attack "Puzzle mode, all levels" by Bluely, ThunderAxe31 & mathgrant in 36:52.74
STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP! 1875 SNES Tetris Attack "maximum score" by zvsp in 01:15.38 STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP!
971 SNES Tetris Attack "fastest 99999" by zvsp in 01:23.27
184 SNES Tetris Attack "fastest 99999" by Lezard in 03:22.48
427 SNES Tetris Attack "fastest 99999" by daniayaw in 02:22.82

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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