This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
1379 Genesis Shadow of the Beast by maTO in 11:56.90
709 Genesis Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi by trazz in 12:52.82
3856 Genesis Shadow Blasters by maTO in 07:11.05
5945 Genesis Segapede by Induviel & Spikestuff in 00:11.48
Rolo jumping over a bomb 2186 Genesis Rolo to the Rescue by Aqfaq in 09:04.55 Rolo jumping over a bomb
4990 Genesis Rolo to the Rescue by Aqfaq & Alyosha in 08:51.77
958 Genesis Rocket Knight Adventures by upthorn in 27:18.13
134 Genesis Rocket Knight Adventures by BillBull in 28:36.75
1041 Genesis Robocop vs. the Terminator by Cardboard in 14:06.92
2703 Genesis RoboCop 3 by Dimon12321 in 08:40.92
547 Genesis Ristar by upthorn in 28:17.37
861 Genesis Ristar by upthorn in 26:44.15
5863 Genesis Ristar "minimum jumps" by Mikewillplays in 28:20.72
1531 Genesis Ristar "Bonus stages" by nfq in 04:31.43
3204 Genesis Ristar "Bonus stages" by mmarks, Alyosha & gamble5688 in 04:28.51
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming... 1620 Genesis Ristar "Bonus stages" by mmarks in 04:27.77 Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...
How not to dance the pole 1666 Genesis Ristar "Bonus stages" by mmarks in 04:27.38 How not to dance the pole
1541 Genesis Ristar "Bonus stages" by GGG in 04:28.23
3332 Genesis Risky Woods by maTO in 10:37.80
1792 Genesis Ranger X by Truncated & TheRandomPie_IV in 09:32.50
95 Genesis QuackShot: Starring Donald Duck by nifboy in 25:00.05
150 Genesis QuackShot: Starring Donald Duck by nifboy in 23:23.52
1009 Genesis QuackShot: Starring Donald Duck by Mitjitsu in 22:23.07
2483 Genesis QuackShot: Starring Donald Duck by Dooty in 20:22.56
3323 Genesis QuackShot: Starring Donald Duck by Dooty in 19:21.63

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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