This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
5207 SMS Tom and Jerry: The Movie "full levels" by The8bitbeast in 07:20.53
5160 SMS Tom and Jerry: The Movie by The8bitbeast in 01:15.90
4240 SMS Tom and Jerry: The Movie by The8bitbeast in 01:17.18
3306 SMS Tom and Jerry: The Movie by The8bitbeast in 02:03.06
3858 SMS Toto World 3 by The8bitbeast in 09:42.08
5962 SMS Trivial Pursuit: Genus Edition by Darkman425 in 02:41.28
1061 SMS Wonder Boy by AngerFist in 43:05.02
1060 SMS Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap by AngerFist & OgreSlayeR in 31:08.37
3143 SMS Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap by The8bitbeast in 21:44.16
3353 SMS Wonder Boy in Monster Land by Challenger in 09:14.20
2442 SMS Wonder Boy in Monster Land by Dadoc in 11:00.57
Shion fights the Ice Bomber 3963 SMS Wonder Boy in Monster World by The8bitbeast in 18:24.76 Shion fights the Ice Bomber
2763 SMS Ys: The Vanished Omens "game end glitch" by CoolKirby in 00:17.46
2895 SMS Ys: The Vanished Omens "game end glitch" by IzzyThePenguin in 00:17.11
Careful with those elevators 2152 SMS Zillion "100%" by caitsith2 in 18:30.38 Careful with those elevators
5937 SMS Zillion by The8bitbeast in 15:12.02
4173 SMS Zool: Ninja of the "Nth" Dimension "game end glitch" by The8bitbeast in 00:21.61
4092 SMS Zool: Ninja of the "Nth" Dimension "game end glitch" by The8bitbeast in 03:10.05
3562 SNES Action Pachio by WarHippy in 18:41.94
3206 SNES Action Pachio by WarHippy in 19:06.16
1914 SNES ActRaiser "Special Mode" by zidanax in 21:01.73
2948 SNES ActRaiser 2 by Fred in 39:17.83
2055 SNES ActRaiser 2 by Pasky13 in 40:54.77
204 SNES ActRaiser by OgreSlayeR in 1:08:07.05
1747 SNES ActRaiser by zidanax & dunnius in 53:55.57

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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