This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
All Only Descriptions Missing Descriptions
5298 Arcade Moon Patrol by nymx in 13:33.78
5299 NES Superfast Mario Bros. "warpless" by eien86 in 03:57.51
5300 GC Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones "glitchless" by Pankaj in 1:39:11.65
5301 NES Super Mario Bros. Special: 35th Anniversary Edition by web2000, gaster319 & slither in 20:01.37
5302 SMS Astérix by The8bitbeast in 24:02.96
5303 SNES Super Metroid Impossible by 3x3supercuber in 1:09:12.10
5304 GBA Rayman 3 "100%" by NinjaCocktail in 1:15:44.76
5305 Coleco B.C.'s Quest for Tires by nymx in 01:40.41
5306 SNES Super Diagonal Mario 2: The Ultimate Meme Machine "glitchfest" by IgorOliveira666 in 40:49.78
5307 Genesis Show do Milhão Volume 2 by Eduardo_EVF in 04:50.64
5308 SNES Cutthroat Island "all treasure chests" by XTREMAL93 in 10:06.68
5309 PSX moon: Remix RPG adventure by poco_cpp in 2:04:15.18
5310 Genesis Sonic & Knuckles "Knuckles, 100%" by ShiningProdigy9000, WST, qwerty & feeuzz in 19:26.02
5311 GBA Anarchaeologist by Cephla in 00:33.27
5312 GBA Google Dino Advance "maximum score" by Cephla in 2:59:12.79
5313 NES Rockman Claw by longbao in 19:11.40
5314 C64 Heat Seeker by nymx in 00:20.41
5315 GBC Mona and the Witch's Hat Deluxe by Cephla in 01:33.89
5316 A2600 Chase the Chuck Wagon by MrTASer in 01:57.97
5317 C64 Omicron by nymx in 03:19.29
5318 NES Maniac Mansion by Arc & ShesChardcore in 05:22.04
5319 C64 Star Dragon by nymx in 03:15.67
5320 C64 Alien Armada by nymx in 00:30.91
5321 GBA The Barbie Diaries: High School Mystery by OtakuTAS in 20:46.08
5322 NES Flipull: An Exciting Cube Game "Advance" by TaoTao in 25:59.25

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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