This is a listing of publication screenshots and associated screenshot descriptions
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ScreenshotIdTitle Description
3512 DS New Super Mario Bros. "warps" by Hartmann in 20:23.85
4647 DS New Super Mario Bros. "warps" by clockwatcher & Hartmann in 20:18.62
1863 DS New Super Mario Bros. "warps" by adelikat, TRT, mindnomad & Y05H1 in 21:08.08
2858 DS New Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by Soig in 41:19.80
3775 DS New Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by Soig in 39:34.60
Ball management 2096 DS New Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by Soig & WinEpic in 43:00.28 Ball management
3320 DS New Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by Hartmann in 39:39.95
5704 DS New Super Mario Bros. "warpless" by Glitchman24, Soig & clockwatcher in 40:35.21
2712 DS Nanashi no Geemu by jlun2 in 54:20.63
4602 DS N+ "all single player levels" by slamo in 40:35.01
4626 DS Myst by Spikestuff & Scepheo in 01:12.69
4665 DS Myst by Spikestuff & Scepheo in 01:12.61
2235 DS Myst by Scepheo in 01:07.16
2688 DS Metroid Prime Pinball by Noxxa in 03:59.63
3214 DS Metroid Prime Hunters by Memory in 47:10.32
3968 DS Meteos "Multi Star Trip, best ending" by Taechuk in 06:50.39
2613 DS Metal Slug 7 by zk547 in 21:17.65
2190 DS Metal Slug 7 by mtvf1 in 21:27.77
2938 DS Metal Slug 7 by mtvf1 in 20:09.56
Marco uses Shotgun 1922 DS Metal Slug 7 "Marco" by mtvf1 in 23:10.70 Marco uses Shotgun
1720 DS Mega Man ZX by Noxxa & Rolanmen1 in 1:09:14.29
4337 DS Mega Man ZX by Flameberger & Joka in 1:08:09.00
Using a sword to climb! 1687 DS Mega Man ZX Advent by Noxxa in 1:19:26.35 Using a sword to climb!
2097 DS Mega Man ZX Advent "100%" by hellagels & red-crowned-crane in 1:33:22.76
3530 DS Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time by Migu in 3:21:09.92

ScreenshotList last edited by adelikat on 1/2/2023 10:06 PM
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