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#28169198081270919 - Time Splitters: Future Perfect - WIP2

In 22:23.95 (80637 frames), 645 rerecords
Uploaded 1/12/2016 2:09 PM by Geferulf (see all 60)
Completes the next level. Anything goes, maaan.

#28167786903955449 - Time Splitters: Future Perfect - WIP1

In 13:06.63 (47198 frames), 362 rerecords
Uploaded 1/12/2016 12:38 PM by Geferulf (see all 60)
First WIP of the story mode. Shows the first two levels of them game. Game is played on easy to save time.

#28156728977999833 - Time Splitters: Future Perfect - Pussy Racing

In 06:17.13 (22628 frames), 173 rerecords
Uploaded 1/12/2016 12:40 AM by Geferulf (see all 60)
Short TAS made to make sure Dolphin was recording/playing properly.

#28133174217170468 - Road Rash 3 (1:53:43)

Road Rash 3 (UE) [!].bk2
In 1:53:43.79 (408900 frames), 2085 rerecords
Game: Road Rash 3 ( Genesis, see all files )
2 comments, 548 downloads
Uploaded 1/10/2016 11:13 PM by Geferulf (see all 60)
It's done! Abuses multiple sound glitches to make the game load faster and play smoother when taking turns due to decreased loading times. Sound is back on during the Level 5 races as you go fast enough during the turns that it no longer matters.
Bugs used:
  • Most obvious, the no sound bug. Using this lets the game load 2 frames quicker and can only be activated on the first race. The game also runs slightly (I'm talking 1~3 frames) faster when taking sharp turns. Aside from that there isn't a benefit.
  • Fucked up instruments is activated on the last race. No benefit, it just kills non bass/drumlines until a song loops.
  • During the LEVEL 5 Great Britain I break the police sirens. This is caused by crashing the helicopter while the siren is played from the motorcycle. The game forgets what sound to end the loop of and instead of ending the siren, it ends the chopper explosion. This is frame perfect and has no effect on the gameplay other than making your ears bleed. It also causes a cool 1990's trance music effect with other sirens. Radical.
  • Hitting an enemy bike, whether racer or cop, on a specific pixel will make you become stuck to them while you are both pulled to the nearest wall. This is only used once in order to mess with a cop.
  • I abuse the games wonky air physics when taking tight turns later in the run. When making sharp turns on an incline or decline, you can get hang time for split seconds. This can be used to your advantage as you do not lose speed for 80 frames after leaving the ground, allowing you to smash racers off the track or make impossibly tight turns over terrain.
  • Tapping right/left is preferable to most turns at lower levels as without handling upgrades you will slide off your bike. It also prevents you from losing speed.
  • You can bounce off cars and the chopper at high speeds, allowing you to regain some speed lost and avoid obstacles or hills, as well as opening up a few shortcuts.
  • I manipulate the AI of some opponents, mostly Lucky Luc. The AI falls into 4 categories: Idiots who serve only to go forward, aggressive drivers that will always stay in front of you and spam attacks, passive drivers who will attempt to strafe around you and drivers that will attempt to kick you off the road at any chance.
    • Every driver below 8th place falls into the idiot category. They ALWAYS have stats identical to the worst bike in any given stable.
    • Drivers between 8~1 fall into the other 3. Madame X always has a super powerful bike that exceeds your bikes stats and is passive, never attacking unless you get too close. Lucky Luc will always stay in front of your bike and spam oil spills. Ikira will always try to ram you off the road with kicks or his nunchacku. Other drivers such as Helmut and Sergio serve only as distractions and will do everything possible to make sure Luc or Madame X gets a lead on you.
  • You can hold the kick animation for super tight handling when exceeding 157 MP/h. This is mostly unused since most tracks are easy enough without it.
  • Ramps are seldom used until the end of the game. Without high amounts of speed and stabilization you will usually fall off as soon as you hit the ground or slide out turning back onto the course. They are used however to skirt around traffic and the proceduraly generated obstacles. The best example being the usage of the ramp in LEVEL 5 to skip a hill decline and get past a deer which is always unavoidable without being in the air.
  • An easy way to kill aggressive drivers is via a simple AI abuse trick. This is done by ramming them at max speed while also kicking. If you keep holding your ramming direction, when they wrap back over they will slam into you with such force the game knocks them off.
  • A few races are literally unwinnable without certain equipment. Notably the early Madame X races. It is better to take 2nd and save up for a far better ride then to buy a worse bike early and have less cash for necessary upgrades.
  • This TAS goes for good times, but also some funnier stuff. ex. the last race is one by walking over the finish line less than 20 frames before the hardest opponent in the game.
  • There are also some moments of style that cost me maybe 6 seconds all together but they add some cool moments, such as pin-balling off 3 bikes and knocking off each rider.
  • If you are wondering why I didn't steal the Mace, Cattle Prod or Oil Slick, it's because those weapons have no effect on the computer players and would have been a waste of time to get.
  • I'm planning on remaking this TAS later down the line that is more about killing everybody, just for the hell of it. I'm also going to be making a TAS using the infamous WILD THING 5000 cheat. The bike is unavailable without using a specific code, and it's so fast and unstable that hitting the top nitro speed (Roughly 253 MP/h, the top speed with Nitro of the best bike in the game is only 199/200) and turning without turbo tapping the d-pad will almost certainly cause a wipeout. Looking forward to it.

#28126544927195847 - Road Rash 3 WIP 3

Road Rash 3 (UE) [!].bk2
In 1:22:58.66 (298335 frames), 1398 rerecords
Game: Road Rash 3 ( Genesis, see all files )
Uploaded 1/10/2016 4:03 PM by Geferulf (see all 60)
Updated. Adds 40 minutes to the movie. The final stretch!

#28121817058116065 - Road Rash 3 WIP 2

Road Rash 3 (UE) [!].bk2
In 42:40.90 (153456 frames), 759 rerecords
Game: Road Rash 3 ( Genesis, see all files )
Uploaded 1/10/2016 10:56 AM by Geferulf (see all 60)
Updated. Adds about 20 minutes to the TAS. Game is about 1/2 finished.

#28082734745900161 - Road Rash 3 WIP

Road Rash 3 (UE) [!].bk2
In 26:12.01 (94199 frames), 348 rerecords
Game: Road Rash 3 ( Genesis, see all files )
Uploaded 1/8/2016 4:42 PM by Geferulf (see all 60)
About 1/3 completed Road Rash 3 TAS. Going for a good time with no crashes and minimal loss of speed. Uses a glitch to turn off music to save on load times by a few frames.

#28061934937851935 - SF2: Dragon Edition (Hack) Playaround

Street Fighter II Dragon Edition Japan (Hack).bk2
In 24:39.55 (88919 frames), 1269 rerecords
Uploaded 1/7/2016 6:13 PM by Geferulf (see all 60)

#27967185738007684 - Guile Turns Into Sonic the Hedgehog

Street Fighter II Turbo (USA).bk2
In 10:01.86 (36171 frames), 1562 rerecords
2 comments, 892 downloads
Uploaded 1/3/2016 11:48 AM by Geferulf (see all 60)
I never knew that the SNES version of SF2' Turbo had a cheat to go all the way to 10x speed. Demonstrates just how insane this game is at maximum velocity.

#26831194569176080 - 11/13/15 WIP Street Fighter 3 - 2nd Imapct Mega Playaround

In 13:54.23 (50054 frames), 1929 rerecords
Uploaded 11/13/2015 7:58 AM by Geferulf (see all 60)
Current as of 11/13/15 at 1:30 AM. About a 1/4 of the way done I'd think. Still a lot more to show off.