User File #10984938428954769

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#10984938428954769 - lol

Gex PSX vfinal.wch
Game: Gex ( PSX, see all files )
Uploaded 11/29/2013 4:35 PM by got4n (see all 44)
Gaved up of this games bcs of desync ftw. Lua contains: X pos / X spd / Ypos/Yspd/Invincible timer / powerup timer

00000	00097D90	b	s	0	X speed
00001	00097AAE	b	u	0	X position
00002	00097AB2	b	s	0	Y Position
00003	00097890	b	s	0	Y speed
00004	00097B1C	b	s	0	Health
00005	000D7350	b	s	0	Powerup duration
00006	000977A8	b	s	0	Timer?
00007	000D7354	b	s	0	
00008	000977A8	d	s	0	Powerup Duration