User File #12037781159060928

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#12037781159060928 - Mario addresses

Uploaded 1/16/2014 2:33 AM by Niamek (see all 4)

00000	02000060	b	s	0	Game state
00001	020100BC	b	s	0	Room number
00002	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
00003	020325D7	b	s	0	Walk angle
00004	03001418	b	s	0	Stance
00005	020325DA	d	s	0	Walking X position
00006	020325E2	d	s	0	Walking Y position
00007	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
00008	030031E4	b	s	0	Server order
00009	03002757	b	s	0	Team priority
0000A	0300227D	b	s	0	Court Side
0000B	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
0000C	020004CD	b	s	0	Power shot meter
0000D	03002218	b	s	0	PS time(somewhat)
0000E	03002218	d	s	0	PS timer:/10000?
0000F	030020C2	b	s	0	X position player
00010	030020CA	w	s	0	Player Z position
00011	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
00012	0200051D	b	s	0	Opponent PS meter
00013	03002262	b	s	0	X position opponent
00014	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
00015	03002742	b	s	0	Ball X position
00016	0300274E	b	s	0	X speed of the ball
00017	03002746	w	s	0	Ball Y position
00018	03002752	b	s	0	Ball y speed
00019	0300274A	w	s	0	Ball Z position
0001A	03002756	b	s	0	Z speed of the ball
0001B	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
0001C	020003F0	b	s	0	Power
0001D	020003F1	b	s	0	Control
0001E	020003F2	b	s	0	Side Spin
0001F	020003F8	b	s	0	slice
00020	020003F5	b	s	0	Stroke
00021	020003F6	b	s	0	volley
00022	020003F3	b	s	0	Speed
00023	020003F7	b	s	0	Topspin
00024	020003F4	b	s	0	Serve
00025	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
00026	020003FC	b	s	0	Power points
00027	020003FD	b	s	0	Control points
00028	020003FE	b	s	0	Sidespin points
00029	020003FF	b	s	0	Speed points
0002A	02000400	b	s	0	Serve points
0002B	02000401	b	s	0	Stroke points
0002C	02000402	b	s	0	volley points
0002D	02000403	b	s	0	Topspin points
0002E	02000404	b	s	0	slice points
0002F	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
00030	0300218A	b	s	0	Smash count
00031	03002188	b	s	0	Ace count
00032	03002189	b	s	0	Return win count
00033	0300218B	b	s	0	PS win counter
00034	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
00035	03001210	w	s	0	Position of the net according to camera
00036	03001214	w	s	0	Position of the layer 2
00037	02030CC6	w	s	0	Y position Layer 2
00038	0300121A	w	s	0	Layer 3
00039	02030D22	w	s	0	Layer 3
0003A	0300121E	w	s	0	Layer 1
0003B	02033032	w	s	0	Camera position Y of the training court
0003C	03002743	b	s	0	Court half of the ball?