User File #12097273885539030

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#12097273885539030 - Crash Nitro Kart (GBA) - v1.1 wch

CNKGBA - v1.1.wch
Uploaded 1/18/2014 6:51 PM by Spikestuff (see all 287)
The watch was completely updated. Thank you based Got4n for the help too.
That's right! 1.1 I hid the last one.

00000	02005E3C	w	s	0	Main Timer
00001	02000D30	w	s	0	In Game Timer
00002	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
00003	0300453C	w	s	0	Race Speed
00004	03004379	b	s	0	Y Pos
00005	03004371	w	s	0	Z/X Pos
00006	03004375	w	s	0	X/Z Pos
00007	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
00008	03003384	w	s	0	Overworld Speed
00009	030031C1	b	s	0	Y POS (Extra)
0000A	030031B9	w	s	0	Z/X POS (Extra)
0000B	030031BD	w	s	0	X/Z POS (Extra)
0000C	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
0000D	0300360C	w	s	0	Boss Speed
0000E	03003449	b	u	0	Y POS (BOSS)
0000F	03003441	w	s	0	Z/X POS (BOSS)
00010	03003445	w	s	0	X/Z POS (BOSS)
00011	00000000	S	S	0	----------------------------
00012	03004510	b	s	0	Cooldown (60)
00013	030035E0	b	s	0	Cooldown 2 (60)
00014	03003358	b	s	0	Cooldown 3 (60)
ldown 2 (60)
00015	03003358	b	s	0	Cooldown 3 (60)
003358	b	s	0	Cooldown 3 (60)