User File #19095439324807403

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#19095439324807403 - Metal Force Lua HUD v2

Metal Force (K) [!] HUD.lua
Game: Metal Force ( NES, see all files )
Uploaded 11/29/2014 10:48 PM by Warepire (see all 18)
Better enemy health display, when an enemy is invulnerable, the correct health remaining is now displayed instead of a negative value. To show that the enemy is in an invulnerable phase, the health is in brackets.
-- local nes_screen_height = 240
-- local nes_screen_width = 256

local player_health
local player_lives
local current_weapon
local weapon_power
local player_xspeed
local player_yspeed
local player_xpos
local player_ypos
local camera_xpos
local camera_ypos

local enemy_struct_start = 0x03AB
local enemy_struct_size = 0x10
local enemy_struct_count = 32

-- offset enum:
-- 0x00		xpos (2 byte)
-- 0x02		ypos (2 byte)
-- 0x04		unknown data
-- 0x05		unknown data
-- 0x06		unknown data
-- 0x07		unknown data
-- 0x08		timer
-- 0x09		unknown data
-- 0x0A		hp
-- 0x0B		unknown data
-- 0x0C		unknown data
-- 0x0D		unknown data
-- 0x0E		unknown data
-- 0x0F		unknown data
local enemy_struct_offset_xpos		= 0x00
local enemy_struct_offset_ypos		= 0x02
local enemy_struct_offset_timer		= 0x07
local enemy_struct_offset_hp		= 0x09

local enemy_struct2_start = 0x046A
local enemy_struct2_size = 0x06
local enemy_struct2_count = 32

-- offset enum:
-- How to index?
-- 0x00		unknown data
-- 0x01		unknown data
-- 0x02		unknown data
-- 0x03		unknown data
-- 0x04		unknown data
-- 0x05		enemy dead flag
local enemy_struct2_offset_dead		= 0x05

local main_hud_pos_base = 300 -- places us below the game area

local function do_hud()
	player_health = memory.read_u8(0x031C)
	player_lives = memory.read_u8(0x031B)
	if (memory.read_u8(0x03A4) == 0) then -- this is technically a boolean
		current_weapon = "Wave Blade"
		current_weapon = "Boomerang "
	weapon_power = memory.read_u8(0x03A5) + 1 -- +1 to compensate for 0-based level-scale
	player_xspeed = memory.read_s8(0x002B)
	player_yspeed = memory.read_s8(0x002C)
	player_xpos = memory.read_s16_le(0x002E)
	player_ypos = memory.read_s16_le(0x0030)
	camera_xpos = memory.read_s16_le(0x0034)
	camera_ypos = memory.read_s16_le(0x0036)

	local hud_pos = main_hud_pos_base * client.getwindowsize() -- compensate for scaled game windows.

	gui.text(5,hud_pos, string.format("Health: %2d                    Extra lives: %d", player_health, player_lives))
	gui.text(5,hud_pos+15, string.format("Weapon: %s            Strength: %d", current_weapon, weapon_power))
	gui.text(5,hud_pos+30, string.format("Speed:   X: %3d  Y: %3d", player_xspeed, player_yspeed))
	gui.text(5,hud_pos+45, string.format("Position: (%5d,%5d)       Camera: (%5d,%5d)", player_xpos, player_ypos, camera_xpos, camera_ypos))

	for i=0,enemy_struct_size do
		local current_struct = enemy_struct_start + (enemy_struct_size * i)
		local timer = memory.read_u8(current_struct + enemy_struct_offset_timer)
		local hp = memory.read_s8(current_struct + enemy_struct_offset_hp)
		local xpos = memory.read_s16_le(current_struct + enemy_struct_offset_xpos)
		local ypos = memory.read_s16_le(current_struct + enemy_struct_offset_ypos)

		local draw_x = (player_xpos - camera_xpos) + (xpos - player_xpos) - 15 -- enemy x position and camera position do not directly relate
		local draw_y = (ypos + camera_ypos) + 10

		if hp > 0 then -- HP = 0 means enemy is dead
			gui.drawText(draw_x, draw_y, string.format("H:%2d\nT:%2d", hp, timer), "red")
		elseif hp < 0 then -- hp < 0 means enemy is invulnerable, the game takes the enemy's health - 128 to mark it, undo that, and put the HP in guards.
			hp = hp + 128
			gui.drawText(draw_x, draw_y, string.format("H:[%2d]\nT:%2d", hp, timer), "red")


while true do