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#637936906520003477 - NES Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team Ram Watch file

Uploaded 7/17/2022 9:37 PM by TASVideoAgent (see all 129)
(Ported from Legacy Address Set 143) BizHawk Ram Watch file for NES Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team
SystemID NES
000B	b	u	1	RAM	Timer
03FE	b	u	1	RAM	Player 1: X-Coordinate
03FF	b	u	1	RAM	Player 2: X-Coordinate
041C	b	u	1	RAM	Player 1: Y-Coordinate
041D	b	u	1	RAM	Player 2: Y-Coordinate
043A	b	u	1	RAM	Player 1: Z-Coordinate
043B	b	u	1	RAM	Player 2: Z-Coordinate
0566	b	u	1	RAM	Player 1: Speed
0567	b	u	1	RAM	Player 2: Speed