User File #638107975665059422

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#638107975665059422 (unlisted) - 2 "casual" playthroughs for Sin and Punishment (N64, Japanese Title: Tsumi to Batsu - Hoshi no Keishousha)

In 1:33:16.65 (335799 frames), 46 rerecords
Uploaded 1/31/2023 9:32 PM by TLH (see all 0)
2 playthroughs done "casually" to unlock the highest possible difficulty setting
  • Game: Sin and Punishment
  • Name of the ROM: Tsumi to Batsu - Hoshi no Keishousha (Japan).z64
  • Console: Nintendo 64
  • played using BizHawk 2.8
First playthrough (on Normal difficulty) unlocks Hard difficulty. Second playthrough (on Hard difficulty) unlocks extra options (Turbo Mode, Frame Skip) which are used during the TAS run.
Youtube (not listed):