User File #638486436516878236

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#638486436516878236 - Speed Calculation from Position

Uploaded 4/13/2024 10:20 PM by inconsistent (see all 34)
For calculating horizontal (X+Z) and vertical (Y) speed in 3D games. In some cases "speed" might be the wrong term, since it's only finding distance traveled. Should be able to remove the horizontal speed part, and use the vertical speed as horizontal in a 2D game.
--[[ @inconsistent_dg
for calculating horizontal (X+Z) and vertical (Y) speed in 3D games.
in some cases "speed" might be the wrong term, since it's only 
finding distance traveled. should be able to remake for use in a 2D game

local prevX = 0
local prevY = 0
local prevZ = 0
local prevFrameCount = emu.framecount()

while true do
    memory.usememorydomain("Main RAM")   -- change/remove this if needed
                                            -- DS required it in my case
    local currentX = memory.read_s32_le(0x0EBD78) -- replace with your X
    local currentY = memory.read_s32_le(0x0EBD7C) -- replace with your Y
    local currentZ = memory.read_s32_le(0x0EBD80) -- replace with your Z
    -- get difference in frame count
    local currentFrameCount = emu.framecount()
    local frameDifference = currentFrameCount - prevFrameCount
    -- calculate horizontal speed
    local speed = 0
    if frameDifference ~= 0 then
        local deltaX = currentX - prevX   -- delta means change in value
        local deltaZ = currentZ - prevZ   -- delta means change in value
        local distance = math.sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaZ * deltaZ)
                                                  -- pythagorean theorem
        speed = math.floor(distance / frameDifference + 0.5)
           -- if you don't want it to round down, then remove math.floor
                                   -- speed = distance / frameDifference
    -- calculate vertical speed
    local speedY = 0
    if frameDifference ~= 0 then
        local deltaY = currentY - prevY
        speedY = math.floor(deltaY / frameDifference + 0.5)
                          -- no pythagorean theorem because Y = one axis
    -- displays
    gui.text(1, 80, "Horizontal Speed: " .. speed)
    gui.text(1, 100, "Vertical Speed: " .. speedY)
    -- update previous
    prevX = currentX
    prevY = currentY
    prevZ = currentZ
    prevFrameCount = currentFrameCount
    emu.frameadvance() -- needed to not crash