User File #638590180254552816

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#638590180254552816 - please send help

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 - The Adventure Continues_1.bk2
In 06:05.63 (21874 frames), 4596 rerecords
2 comments, 16 downloads
Uploaded 8/12/2024 12:07 AM by MamaLuigiMomsLotsaSpaghetti (see all 15)
To be honest, I could talk about a few of the tweaks and techniques I implemented since the last version, but I'm just gonna cut to the chase: this is a cry for help. For starters, it's worth mentioning that for an alarmingly long period at the start of the first proper level, tagging to your partner crashes the game. I don't know why, but that's the case. If I am not able to switch characters, this would be the case up until frame 11817.
However, the real dilemma, the one that could very much kill this project, is a series of precise skips in the third room of Act 1-1. Switching between characters at a specific point of your jump will, in theory, boost your height just enough to clip onto a higher ledge to scale the wall. The problem is... I can't do it. I have been beating my head against my keyboard for the past few days just to make one of these glitch jumps. And not only has my efforts been completely fruitless, but even though it seems some agree it's extremely difficult anyways, a few (at least one) people have done it basically first try, RTA: which means even thinking of just moving on and going the normal route will be a one-way ticket to a rejection for "optimization".
So, basically, I need either an exemption from moderators for this, to give up altogether, or most likely just assistance with these skips.
For anyone willing to help, the route used in the level speedrun listed above performs this glitch three times to reach the alien box with only one player. Indy, Mac, and Dovchenko have to all be available the whole time; Indy to whip down the box, Dovchenko to break open the warehouse crate, and Mac to pry open the inner box. Frame 16330 is around when this sequence starts.
on 8/12/2024 12:35 AM
Could you find a video with inputs on screen like this? Also, if you want to link to a specific part of video use the share link with the timestamp. Do not have a way to go to a frame number on a video. How much time does the trick save?
on 8/12/2024 1:08 AM
I wanted to mention two things: 1) You're running on a bad dump of the game with an underdumped header. I'm not sure if this affects anything in practice, but it's probably worth switching to a good dump. 2) This movie is on BizHawk 2.8, but you should consider updating to the latest version 2.9.1 which has emulation improvements for DS compared to 2.8.