User File #638645186574507566

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#638645186574507566 - Kitsune Tails World 3

Kitsune Tails World 3.ltm
In 18:02.40 (64944 frames), 8743 rerecords
System: Linux
Uploaded 1 day ago by inconsistent (see all 28)
Finishes World 3. All settings are default aside from changing the resolution to 1920x1080. Your save directory (~/.local/share/KitsuneTails/) must be empty, or at least have no saves in it. Playing the movie file is fine without this, but if you want to make savestates then you must run libTAS with "FRANCA_DISABLE_AUDIO_WARNING=1 FRANCA_FORCE_DISABLE_AUDIO=1 libTAS"