User File #11661066610642721

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#11661066610642721 - Crash HA lua v1.5

CrashGBA - 1.5.lua
Uploaded 12/30/2013 3:23 AM by Spikestuff (see all 290)
-- Crash Huge Adventure lua v1.5
-- This is Community Work Please Help
-- Join in add updates of your own and add your name

-- Values found by: Spikestuff, Got4n
-- Script Edited by: Spikestuff, Warepire

while true do
local air = memory.readbyte(0x02010A7C)
local airb = memory.readbyte(0x03007C82)
local pack = memory.readbyte(0x02010A71)
local area = memory.readbyte(0x02010E06)
local areab = memory.readbyte(0x02010DD1)
local mask = memory.readbyte(0x0200009C)
boss = memory.readbyte(0x02003AB8)
lvl = memory.readbyte(0x020000E8)
local bombhealth = memory.readbyte(0x03004130)
local turthealth = memory.readbyte(0x030040B0)

if boss == 64 or boss == 132 then else
if lvl == 23 then --Cortex
	gui.text(94,18,"PixelX: " .. memory.readshort(0x02010A15),"#e260a6")
	gui.text(94,26,"SpeedX: " .. memory.readbytesigned(0x02010A75),"#e260a6")
	gui.text(94,34,"SpeedY: " .. memory.readbytesigned(0x02010A69),"#e260a6")
	gui.text(1,120,"Camera: " .. memory.readbyte(0x02006E5D),"teal")
	gui.text(1,129,"Spin Time 23/" .. memory.readbyte(0x02010DDC),"white")
	gui.text(1,138,"Slide Time: 22/" .. memory.readbyte(0x02010DDC),"white")
else if areab == 0 then -- Polar
	gui.text(1,111,"Speed " .. memory.readbyte(0x03003F18) .. "/2","teal")
else if area == 1 or lvl == 7 or lvl == 11 or lvl == 18 or lvl == 19 then -- Normal
	gui.text(8,30," PixelX: " .. memory.readshort(0x02010A15),"orange")
	gui.text(8,38," SpeedX: " .. memory.readbytesigned(0x02010A75),"orange")
	gui.text(8,46," SpeedY: " .. memory.readbytesigned(0x02010A69),"orange")
	gui.text(1,120,"Camera: " .. memory.readbyte(0x02006E5D),"teal")
	gui.text(1,129,"Spin Time 23/" .. memory.readbyte(0x02010DDC),"white")
	gui.text(1,138,"Slide Time: 22/" .. memory.readbyte(0x02010DDC),"white")
else if area == 0 then -- Bonus
	gui.text(8,30," PixelX: " .. memory.readshort(0x02010E2D),"#CCFF33")
	gui.text(8,38," SpeedX: " .. memory.readbytesigned(0x02010E8D),"#CCFF33")
	gui.text(8,46," SpeedY: " .. memory.readbytesigned(0x02010E81),"#CCFF33")
	gui.text(1,129,"Spin Time 23/" .. memory.readbyte(0x020111F4),"white")
	gui.text(1,138,"Slide Time: 22/" .. memory.readbyte(0x020111F4),"white")
else if area == 2 then -- RUN
	gui.text(8,30," PixelX: " .. memory.readshort(0x02010A15),"#c260e2")
	gui.text(8,38," SpeedX: " .. memory.readbytesigned(0x02010A75),"#c260e2")
	gui.text(8,46," SpeedY: " .. memory.readbytesigned(0x02010A69),"#c260e2")
	gui.text(1,129,"Spin Time 23/" .. memory.readbyte(0x02010DDC),"white")
	gui.text(1,138,"Slide Time: 22/" .. memory.readbyte(0x02010DDC),"white")
else if area == 5 or lvl == 8 then -- Water
	gui.text(8,30," PixelX: " .. memory.readshort(0x02010A15),"teal")
	gui.text(8,38," Swim: " .. memory.readbytesigned(0x02010DE6),"teal")
	gui.text(1,120,"Camera: " .. memory.readbyte(0x02006E5D),"teal")
else if area == 119 then -- Flying
	gui.text(1,111,"Pack: " .. memory.readbyte(0x02003484),"teal")
	gui.text(1,120,"Cooldown: " .. memory.readbyte(0x030014E0),"teal")
if lvl == 21 then -- N.Gin (Working)
	gui.text(165,46," Rockets: " .. memory.readshort(0x030041B0)/2 .. "/" .. memory.readshort(0x03004230)/2,"teal")
	if bombhealth ~= 255 then gui.text(165,38," Bomb: " .. (bombhealth+1)/2,"teal") else gui.text(165,38," Bomb: 0", "teal") end
	if turthealth ~= 255 then gui.text(165,54," Turret: " .. (turthealth+1)/2,"teal") else gui.text(165,54," Turret: 0", "teal") end  
end end end end end end end end end

--  Level Check
 if boss == 64 or boss == 132 then else
	if areab == 0 then gui.text(1,102,"POLAR","#D6AD33") else -- POLAR
	if area == 5 or lvl == 8 then gui.text(1,102,"WATER","teal") else -- WATER
	if area == 119 then gui.text(1,102,"FLYING","#DBB84D") else -- FLYING
-- Bonus
	if airb == 0 then gui.text(1,102,"GROUND","#999900") else
	if airb == 2 then gui.text(1,102,"AIR","#66FFCC") else
-- Normal
	if air == 8 then gui.text(1,102,"GROUND","#999900") else
	if air == 0 then gui.text(1,102,"AIR","#66FFCC") else
end end end end end end end end

-- Boss Check
if lvl == 21 then
	gui.text(165,30," Boss Hits: " .. memory.readshort(0x030015D8),"red")
if boss > 0 and boss < 4 then
	gui.text(165,30," Boss Hits: " .. memory.readshort(0x02003AB8)+1,"red")
end end

-- Mask Check
if area == 119 or boss == 132 then else
if mask > 0 and mask < 4 then
if boss == 64 then
	gui.text(80,26," Mask Level: " .. memory.readshort(0x0200009C),"yellow") else
if lvl == 20 or lvl == 22 then
	gui.text(165,38,"Mask Level: " .. memory.readshort(0x0200009C),"yellow") else
if lvl == 23 then
	gui.text(165,22," Mask Level: " .. memory.readshort(0x0200009C),"yellow") else
	gui.text(80,46," Mask Level: " .. memory.readshort(0x0200009C),"yellow")
end end end end end

 if boss == 64 or boss == 132 then gui.text(100,18," Lives: " .. memory.readshort(0x02000098),"white") else
 if lvl == 20 or lvl == 21 or lvl == 22 or lvl == 23 then
 gui.text(35,8," Lives: " .. memory.readshort(0x02000098),"white") else
 gui.text(80,38," Lives: " .. memory.readshort(0x02000098),"white")
 if lvl == 20 or lvl == 21 or lvl == 22 or lvl == 23 or boss == 64 or boss == 132 then else
 gui.text(80,30," Boxes: " .. memory.readshort(0x02003474) .. " / " .. memory.readshort(0x02000094),"white") end end end

--things that don't need to change.
if then gui.drawbox(150,148,240,160, "red")
if then gui.text(158,151, "MOVIE NOT RECORDING") end end
if then gui.text(1,0,"RR: " .. movie.rerecordcount()) end
  vba.frameadvance() end