Lua script for ff6 displaying various information in and out of battle, for Bizhawk. Needs the helper lua script
-- Features:
-- 1. Encounter prediction: predicts steps until encounter, and what will be encountered.
-- 2. Outline treasure chests and show their contents and status (green = untaken, red = taken)
-- 3. Outline squares that trigger events. Blue = transition to new area, light blue = transition
-- to same area, very light blue = transition to map, yellow = unclassified event.
-- 4. In battle, hp and mp bars are displayed over the enemies, as well as their battle gauges.
-- Their level is also displayed. On gau's turns, a "?" is displayed by any monster whose
-- rage is not known. Additionally, the enemies' resistances etc. are displayed in a compact
-- but hopefully readable manner, as a set of 4 3x3 sqares of pixels, where each has the
-- following format:
-- fil ; fire (red) ice (blue) lightning (yellow)
-- pwp ; poison (green) wind (gray) holy (white)
-- ew ; earth (brown) water (blue)
-- The order of the sqares is, from left to right, absorb, nullify, resist, weak.
-- 5. Extra information is displayed for the currently selected monster.
-- normally, only its drops and hp/mp are displayed, but if locke is selecting the
-- monster with the steal command, its steals are also listed. If relm is selecting
-- a monster with control or sketch, that information will also be indicated.
-- 6. While in the rage menu, information about what the selected rage does is
-- displayed. Only the attack part of the rage is displayed so far, since I haven't thought
-- of a compact way of displaying all the status information associated with a rage.
-- 7. Criticals and Desperation attacks are approximately predicted
bit = require 'bit'.bit
DISPLAY_RELM_INFO = false -- display sketch and control attacks
DISPLAY_LOCKE_INFO = true -- display common and rare steal when in steal menu
DISPLAY_GAU_INFO = false -- display unknown rages
-- End of user configuration --
require 'ff6_bizhawk_helper'
-- to get the pixel distance from an encounter, we
-- need to fix an occational off-by-1 error for
-- count. this happens on the first frame when we reach
-- a whole square. we thus need to keep track of whether
-- the last position was whole or not
last_position_whole = true
function display_battle()
local sel_side, sel_i = mainmemory.readbyte(0x7ace), mainmemory.readbyte(0x7acf)
local sel_enemy, sel_party = mainmemory.readbyte(0x7b7e),mainmemory.readbyte(0x7b7d)
local sel_multi = mainmemory.readbyte(0x7b7f)
-- loop through present monsters
for i = 0, 5 do
-- a few shortcuts
local j, k = 2*i, 2*(4+i)
local state = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x3aa0+k)
if state ~= 0 and bit.check(state,15) ~= 1 then
-- get coordinates (we should know the size of the monster too, but we don't)
local x = mainmemory.readbyte(0x80c2+1+j)
-- this size is really the x-offset of the pointing hand relative to the start
-- of the sprite. For a normal attack, this works fine, but for monsters on the
-- right hand side of the screen, this offset is 0, as the hand is on their left
-- side. To do things properly, I should get this in a more direct fashion, but
-- I can't be bothered
local xsize = mainmemory.readbyte(0x807a+1+j)
if xsize == 0 then xsize = 0x20 end
local y = mainmemory.readbyte(0x80ce+1+j)
-- other interesting information
local id = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x3388+j)
local xp = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x3d8c+j)
local gold = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x3da0+j)
local hp = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x3bf4+k)
local mp = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x3c08+k)
local mhp = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x3c1c+k)
local mmp = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x3c30+k)
local level= mainmemory.readbyte(0x3b18+k)
local speed= mainmemory.readbyte(0x3b19+k)
local gauge= mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x3218+k)
-- elements
local absorb = mainmemory.readbyte(0x3bcc+k)
local nullify = mainmemory.readbyte(0x3bcd+k)
local resist = mainmemory.readbyte(0x3be1+k)
local weak = mainmemory.readbyte(0x3be0+k)
local stealn = mainmemory.readbyte(0x3311+j)
local stealr = mainmemory.readbyte(0x3310+j)
local dropn = memory.readbyte(0x0f3000+4*id+3)
local dropr = memory.readbyte(0x0f3000+4*id+2)
local name = getmonstername(id)
-- Print the gauges
drawgauge(mp, mmp, 0x7f0000ff)
drawgauge(hp, mhp, 0x7f00ff00)
drawgauge(gauge, 0x10000, 0x7fff0000)
local by = gy
gui.drawText(x-16, by-8, string.format("%2d",level))
print_element(x, by-6, absorb)
print_element(x+4, by-6, nullify)
print_element(x+8, by-6, resist)
print_element(x+12, by-6, weak)
gui.drawText(x+18, by-8, ""..hp)
-- gui.drawText(x+18, by+8, ""..gauge)
local active_slot = mainmemory.readbyte(0x0201)
local active_player = mainmemory.readbyte(0x3ed8+active_slot*2)
local menu_pos = mainmemory.readbyte(0x890f+active_slot)
local relm_info = DISPLAY_RELM_INFO and active_player == 8 and menu_pos == 1
local locke_info = DISPLAY_LOCKE_INFO and active_player == 1 and menu_pos == 1
local gau_info = DISPLAY_GAU_INFO and active_player == 0xb
if gau_info then
local id_byte, id_bit = math.floor(id/8), id % 8
if bit.check(mainmemory.readbyte(0x1d2c+id_byte),id_bit) == 0 then
-- monster not known!
-- More detailed information for the monster we point to.
-- This will depend on how it is being pointed to
if (sel_side == 0 or sel_side == 2) and sel_i == i and
sel_multi == 0 and sel_enemy ~= 0 then
--gui.drawText(10,offset,"Level "..level.." "
--offset = offset+10
gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format("HP:%d/%d, MP:%d/%d",hp,mhp,mp,mmp))
offset = offset+10
--gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format("XP:%d, gold:%d",xp,gold))
--offset = offset+10
be = mainmemory.readbyte(0x00be)
be = (be + 0x31) % 0x100
rng = memory.readbyte(0x00fd00+be)
if rng < 0x08 then
gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format("Critical (%X)",be))
offset = offset+10
offset = offset+10
if DISPLAY_DA then
battle_counter = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x3a3e)
gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format("Battle Counter: %X",battle_counter))
offset = offset+10
be = mainmemory.readbyte(0x00be)
be = (be + 0x32) % 0x100
rng = memory.readbyte(0x00fd00+be)
if, 0x0F) == 0 then
gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format("DA (%X)",be))
offset = offset+10
offset = offset+10
if locke_info then
gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format("Steal %s/%s", getitemname(stealn), getitemname(stealr)))
offset = offset+10
gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format("Drops %s/%s", getitemname(dropn), getitemname(dropr)))
offset = offset+10
-- Special attack description
local specialn = get_special(id)
if relm_info then
-- Sketch
local sketch1 = memory.readbyte(0x0f4300+2*id)
local sketch2 = memory.readbyte(0x0f4300+2*id+1)
-- control
local control, controln = {}, {}
for ctrl_i = 0, 3 do
control[ctrl_i] = memory.readbyte(0x0f3d00+4*id+ctrl_i)
if sketch1 == 0xEF then sketch1n = specialn else sketch1n = getattackname(sketch1) end
if sketch2 == 0xEF then sketch2n = specialn else sketch2n = getattackname(sketch2) end
for ctrl_i = 0, 3 do
local ctrl,foo = control[ctrl_i]
if ctrl == 0xEF then foo = specialn
elseif ctrl == 0xFF then foo = "Nothing"
else foo = getattackname(ctrl) end
controln[ctrl_i] = foo
gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format("Sketch %s/%s", sketch2n, sketch1n))
offset = offset+10
gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format("Control %s/%s",controln[0],controln[1]))
offset = offset+10
gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format(" %s/%s",controln[2],controln[3]))
offset = offset+10
end end
-- Rage information when in the rage menu
if mainmemory.readbyte(0x7bd4) == 0x24 then
local x = mainmemory.readbyte(0x892f)
local y = mainmemory.readbyte(0x8933)
local scroll = mainmemory.readbyte(0x892b)
local i = 2*(y+scroll)+x
local id = mainmemory.readbyte(0x257e + i)
if id ~= 0xFF then
-- What rages does this monster have?
local rage1 = memory.readbyte(0x0f4600+2*id)
local rage2 = memory.readbyte(0x0f4600+2*id+1)
-- Special attack description
local specialn = get_special(id)
if rage1 == 0xEF then rage1n = specialn else rage1n = getattackname(rage1) end
if rage2 == 0xEF then rage2n = specialn else rage2n = getattackname(rage2) end
gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format("%s/%s", rage1n, rage2n))
offset = offset+10
-- Display treasures and events in caves
display_treasures = function()
-- get the screen position
local sx = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x8297)
local sy = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x8299)
if sx >= 0x8000 then sx = sx-0x10000 end
if sy >= 0x8000 then sy = sy-0x10000 end
-- prepare to loop through treasures
local area = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x0082)
local table = 0x2d8634
local i = memory.read_u16_le(0x2d82f4+2*area)
local to = memory.read_u16_le(0x2d82f4+2*(area+1))
-- loop through the treasures
while i ~= to do
-- read from the treasure information array
local xi = memory.readbyte(table+i)
local yi = memory.readbyte(table+i+1)
local flagi = memory.read_u16_le(table+i+2)
local item = memory.readbyte(table+i+4)
local name = getitemname(item)
-- Has the box been taken? To find out, we need to
-- do some bit manipulation.
local byte_index = math.floor(flagi/8)
local bit_index = flagi % 8
if byte_index >= 0x40 then
byte_index = byte_index - 0x40*math.floor(byte_index/0x40)
local flag = mainmemory.readbyte(0x1e40+byte_index)
flag = flag % (2^(bit_index+1))
flag = math.floor(flag/ 2^bit_index)
-- flag is now 0 if not taken and 1 if taken
if flag == 0 then color = 0x7f00ff00 else color = 0x7fff0000 end
-- get the real x,y position, using the fact that
-- each square is 0x10 big.
local x,y = 0x10*xi, 0x10*yi
-- relative coordinates
local rx, ry = x-sx, y-sy
-- draw a nice red box around the treasure box
gui.drawRectangle(rx, ry, 0x10, 0x10, color)
gui.drawText(rx, ry-5, name)
i = i + 5
table = 0x1fbb00
i = memory.read_u16_le(table+2*area)
to = memory.read_u16_le(table+2*(area+1))
-- loop through the transitions
while i ~= to do
-- read from the treasure information array
local xi = memory.readbyte(table+i)
local yi = memory.readbyte(table+i+1)
local hmm = memory.read_u16_le(table+i+2)
local xti = memory.readbyte(table+i+4)
local yti = memory.readbyte(table+i+5)
local area2 = hmm % 0x200
-- is it to the same area? If so, color it
-- light blue. Else make it normal blue.
if area2 == area then color = 0x7f8080ff
else color = 0x7f0000ff end
-- get the real x,y position, using the fact that
-- each square is 0x10 big.
local x,y = 0x10*xi, 0x10*yi
-- relative coordinates
local rx, ry = x-sx, y-sy
gui.drawRectangle(rx, ry, 0x10, 0x10, color)
i = i + 6
table = 0x2df480
i = memory.read_u16_le(table+2*area)
to = memory.read_u16_le(table+2*(area+1))
-- loop through the wide transitions
while i ~= to do
-- read from the treasure information array
local xi = memory.readbyte(table+i)
local yi = memory.readbyte(table+i+1)
local dxi = memory.readbyte(table+i+2)
local dyi = 0
local hmm = memory.read_u16_le(table+i+3)
local xti = memory.readbyte(table+i+5)
local yti = memory.readbyte(table+i+6)
local area2 = hmm % 0x200
if dxi >= 0x80 then dxi, dyi = 0, dxi % 0x80 end
-- is it to the same area? If so, color it
-- light blue. Else make it normal blue.
if area2 == area then color = 0x7f8080ff
elseif area2 == 0x1ff then color = 0x7fb0b0ff
else color = 0x7f0000ff end
-- get the real x,y position, using the fact that
-- each square is 0x10 big.
local x,y,dx,dy = 0x10*xi, 0x10*yi, 0x10*dxi, 0x10*dyi
-- relative coordinates
local rx, ry = x-sx, y-sy
gui.drawRectangle(rx, ry, dx+0x10, dy+0x10, color)
i = i + 7
table= 0x040000
i = memory.read_u16_le(table+2*area)
to = memory.read_u16_le(table+2*(area+1))
-- loop through the reactions
while i ~= to do
-- read from the treasure information array
local xi = memory.readbyte(table+i)
local yi = memory.readbyte(table+i+1)
local react1 = memory.read_u16_le(table+i+2)
local react2 = memory.readbyte(table+i+4)
local color = 0x7fffff00
-- get the real x,y position, using the fact that
-- each square is 0x10 big.
local x,y = 0x10*xi, 0x10*yi
-- relative coordinates
local rx, ry = x-sx, y-sy
gui.drawRectangle(rx, ry, 0x10, 0x10, color)
i = i + 5
-- Predict encounters during map and cave
function display_encounters()
-- Equipment-derived information is not kept permanently, it is recomputed
-- at the beginning of every frame, I think. We need to know if the party
-- has the moogle charm or charm bangle effect.
-- We will therefore loop through the equipment of all characters.
local field_effects = 0
local status_effects = 0
local char_in_party = 0
local slot_speed = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF} -- for computing ATB much later
local slot_name = {"", "", "", ""} -- for displaying ATB much later
for id = 0, 0xF do
local tmp = mainmemory.readbyte(0x1850+id)
if tmp % 8 == mainmemory.readbyte(0x1a6d) then
-- character is present. If necessary, information about
-- row and slot is also available in tmp.
char_in_party = char_in_party + 1
local x = id*0x25+0x1F -- start of equipment
for i = 0, 5 do
local item = mainmemory.readbyte(0x1600+x+i)
if item ~= 0xFF then
-- item actually equipped
field_effects = bit.bor(field_effects,memory.readbyte(0x185005+item*0x1e))
status_effects = bit.bor(status_effects,memory.readbyte(0x18500a+item*0x1e))
-- Gather the speed of the corresponding character
slot = bit.rshift(, 0x18), 3)
slot_speed[slot+1] = mainmemory.readbyte(0x161B+0x25*id)
slot_name[slot+1] = readsnesstringram(0x1602+0x25*id,6)
-- field_effects is what is later put in 11df
-- Get the encounter rate of the current tile
local encounter_rate
local pack_index
if mode == MODE_MAP then
local terrain = mainmemory.readbyte(0x11f9) % 8
local at_22 = memory.readbyte(0x00c28f+terrain) -- lave tall, men hva betyr de?
local a = memory.readbyte(0x00c297+terrain) -- denne arrayen følger rett etter. samme størrelsesorden.
-- b og c er faktisk x og y-posisjonen på kartet til *forrige encounter*!
local last_x = mainmemory.readbyte(0x1f60)
local last_y = mainmemory.readbyte(0x1f61)
local zone_x, zone_y = math.floor(last_x/0x20),math.floor(last_y/0x20)
local zone = mainmemory.readbyte(0x1f64)*0x40+zone_y*8+zone_x
-- a må inneholde en mapping fra terreng til offsets i følgende array.
-- merkelig at slikt trengs.
pack_index = memory.readbyte(0x0f5400+zone*4+a)
-- den høye byten her angir kanskje om det er world of balance eller ruin eller noe annet?
local encounter_rate_index = math.floor(memory.readbyte(0x0f5800+zone) / 4^at_22) % 4
-- field_effects har info om charm bangle etc. encounter_rate_index info om more/less enc.
local x = (field_effects)%4*8 + encounter_rate_index*2
-- x er nå indeks inn i encounter rate-tabellen.
encounter_rate = memory.read_u16_le(0x00c29f+x)
local area = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x0082)
local ax,ay = math.floor(area/4), area % 4
local a = (memory.readbyte(0x0f5880+ax) / 4^ay) % 4
local x = ((mainmemory.readbyte(0x11df) % 4) * 4 + a) * 2
encounter_rate = memory.read_u16_le(0x00c2bf+x)
if bit.check(mainmemory.readbyte(0x0525),7) == 0 then
encounter_rate = 0
pack_index = memory.readbyte(0x0f5600+area)
if encounter_rate ~= 0 then
-- Compute how many steps until the next fight
local enc1 = mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x1f6e)
local enc2 = mainmemory.readbyte(0x1fa1)
local enc3 = mainmemory.readbyte(0x1fa4)
local count = -1
for i = 0, 250 do
enc1 = enc1 + encounter_rate
gui.drawPixel(i+2, 220-math.floor(enc1/0x100), 0x7F00FF00)
if enc1 >= 0x10000 then enc1 = 0xff00 end
enc2 = (enc2+1) % 0x100
if enc2 == 0 then enc3 = (enc3 + 0x11) % 0x100 end
local rng = (memory.readbyte(0x00fd00+enc2)+enc3) % 0x100
if rng < math.floor(enc1/0x100) then
gui.drawLine(i+2, max(220-rng, 190), i+2, 190, 0x7FFF0000)
if count == -1 then
count = i + 1
enc1 = 0
gui.drawLine(i+2, max(220-rng, 190), i+2, 190, 0x7F0000FF)
gui.drawText(10,offset,"Encounter in ".. count.." steps.")
offset = offset+10
local formation
-- Veldt?
if pack_index == 0xFF then
local enc_veldt = (mainmemory.readbyte(0x1fa5)+1) % 0x40
-- find a nonzero byte in the encountered formations bitarray.
while mainmemory.readbyte(0x1ddd+enc_veldt) == 0 do
enc_veldt = (enc_veldt+1) % 0x40
local enc5 = mainmemory.readbyte(0x1fa3)
local enc4 = (mainmemory.readbyte(0x1fa2)+1) % 0x100
if enc4 == 0 then enc5 = enc5 + 0x17 end
local bit_index = (memory.readbyte(0x00fd00+enc4)+enc5) % 0x8
local bitset = mainmemory.readbyte(0x1ddd+enc_veldt)
-- find a nonzero bit, starting at a random position
while bit.check(bitset,bit_index) == 0 do
bit_index = (bit_index+1) % 8
formation = enc_veldt*8+bit_index
local x = pack_index*8
-- Encounter type. x is the index into the monster pack array
local enc1 = (mainmemory.readbyte(0x1fa2)+1) % 0x100
local enc2 = mainmemory.readbyte(0x1fa3)
if enc1 == 0 then enc2 = enc2+0x17 end
local a = (memory.readbyte(0x00fd00+enc1)+enc2) % 0x100
if a > 0x50 then x = x+2 end
if a > 0xa0 then x = x+2 end
if a > 0xf0 then x = x+2 end
formation = memory.read_u16_le(0x0f4800+x)
-- To find out more about the encounter, we need the frame-
-- dependent be variable. We must first predict the number
-- of pixels we are away from an encounter.
local faceing
local xpos, ypos
local pixels
if mode == MODE_MAP then
faceing = mainmemory.readbyte(0x00f6)
xpos = mainmemory.readbyte(0x00c6)
ypos = mainmemory.readbyte(0x00c8)
-- have to loop through all chars to find out who is the leader
-- for id = 0, 0xF do
-- local delta = 0x29*id
-- if bit.check(memory.readbyte(0x0867+delta),7) then
-- faceing = memory.readbyte(0x087f+delta)
-- break
-- end
-- end
faceing = mainmemory.readbyte(0x00b3) - 1
xpos = mainmemory.readbyte(0x005c)
ypos = mainmemory.readbyte(0x0060)
if faceing == 0 then pixels = ypos % 0x10
elseif faceing == 1 then pixels = (0x100 - xpos) % 0x10
elseif faceing == 2 then pixels = (0x100 - ypos) % 0x10
else pixels = xpos % 0x10
-- this is the pixels left in our current step. then add the number
-- of whole steps
local standing_still = false
if pixels == 0 then
-- this is a whole position. was the last position whole too?
if last_position_whole then
standing_still = true
pixels = 0x10*count
if mode == MODE_MAP then
pixels = 0x10*count
pixels = 0x10*(count-1)
last_position_whole = true
pixels = pixels + 0x10*(count-1)
last_position_whole = false
-- sprint shoes?
if mode == MODE_CAVE and bit.check(field_effects,5) then
pixels = math.floor(pixels/2)
-- compensate for the time it takes to start moving
if standing_still then
if mode == MODE_MAP then -- it only takes 1 frame to start moving on the map
if mainmemory.readbyte(0xB652) == 0 then -- unknown value that seems to work well.
pixels = pixels+1
local frame_rule = mainmemory.readbyte(0x0014) / 12
if mainmemory.readbyte(0x000d) == 0 then -- we didn't start moving yet.
pixels = pixels + 3 - ((frame_rule + 0) % 4)
pixels = pixels + 2 - ((frame_rule + 3) % 4)
-- The length of the battle transition depends on if we are in the world map or not.
local battle_transition
if mode == MODE_MAP then
battle_transition = 0x22
battle_transition = 0x2A
-- we assume that we are walking with maximum speed of 1 pixel per frame
-- this will lead to be getting this value at the beginning of battle
be = 4*((mainmemory.readbyte(0x021e)+pixels+battle_transition-1) % 0x3c) + 4
-- Print the frame rule.
gui.drawText(10,offset,"Frame rule: ".. ((be/4)%4))
offset = offset+10
gui.drawText(10,offset,string.format("be: %x vs %x, %x %x %x", mainmemory.readbyte(0x00be), be,pixels,xpos,ypos))
offset = offset+10
if bit.check(formation, 15) then
-- High bit of formation set: randomly add 0..3 to formation
be = (be+1) % 0x100
local a = memory.readbyte(0x00fd00+be) % 4
formation = + a, 0x7FFF)
local info1 = memory.readbyte(0x0f5900+4*formation)
local info2 = memory.readbyte(0x0f5900+4*formation+1)
local info3 = memory.readbyte(0x0f5900+4*formation+2)
local info4 = memory.readbyte(0x0f5900+4*formation+3)
-- Build monster list
local start = 0x0f6201+15*formation
local present = memory.readbyte(start)
local which = {}
local number_of_enemies = 0
local enemy_slot_speed = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}
local enemy_slot_name = {"", "", "", "", "", ""}
for i = 1, 6 do
if bit.check(present, i-1) then
local id = memory.readbyte(start+i)
if which[id] then which[id] = which[id]+1
else which[id] = 1 end
number_of_enemies = number_of_enemies + 1
-- Grab the enemy speed
enemy_slot_speed[i] = memory.readbyte(0x0f0001+0x20*id)
enemy_slot_name[i] = getmonstername(id)
-- Display list
for id, num in pairs(which) do
gui.drawText(10, offset, ""..num.." "..getmonstername(id))
offset = offset + 10
-- What kind of encounter?
-- In info1, bit 4: disable normal, bit 5: disable back, bit 6: disable pincer, bit 7: disable side
local allowed = {} -- will hold {normal, back, pincer, side}
local allowed_number = 0
for i = 0, 3 do
allowed[i] = not bit.check(info1, 4 + i) -- if checked, then disable corresponding encounter
if allowed[i] then
allowed_number = allowed_number + 1
if bit.check(status_effects,1) then
-- back guard, disable back and pincer.
-- This will prefer to remove pincer if not
-- both can be removed.
for i = 0, 1 do if allowed_number > 1 then
allowed[2-i] = false
allowed_number = allowed_number - 1
end end
if char_in_party < 3 and allowed_number > 1 then
-- not enough characters to do side attack
allowed[3] = false
allowed_number = allowed_number - 1
-- Now we pick one of the possibilities
-- First find the sum of the weights
local sum = 0
for i = 0, 3 do if allowed[3-i] then
sum = sum + memory.readbyte(0x025279+i)+1
end end
-- before this point, be has been incremented by other things
be = be + 0xa + 2*number_of_enemies + char_in_party
-- get a random number from 0 to sum-1, using be
be = (be+1) % 0x100
local rng =*sum, 8), 0xFF)
-- now loop through again, and pick the first that is bigger
-- than the number
sum = 0
local chosen = 0
for i = 0, 3 do if allowed[3-i] then
sum = sum + memory.readbyte(0x025279+i)+1
if sum > rng then
chosen = 3-i
end end
local vardesc = { "Front", "Back", "Pincer", "Side" }
-- Finally, describe the result
if chosen ~= 0 then
gui.drawText(10, offset, string.format("%s attack",vardesc[chosen+1]))
offset = offset+10
-- Determine preemptive
local preemptive = false
if bit.check(info4, 2) then
gui.drawText(10, offset, "Preemptive disabled")
offset = offset+10
elseif chosen == 0 or chosen == 3 then -- front or side, preemptive possible
-- determine the preemptive rate
local rate = 8 * chosen + 0x20
if bit.check(status_effects,0) then -- Gale hairpin equipped
rate = rate * 2
-- call the rng
be = (be+1) % 0x100
local rng = memory.readbyte(0x00fd00+be)
if rng < rate then
preemptive = true
-- Finally, describe the result
if preemptive then
gui.drawText(10, offset, "Pre-emptive battle")
offset = offset+10
-- Determine ATB startup values
general_incrementor = 0x10 * (10 - number_of_enemies - char_in_party)
-- Compute random specific incrementor
atb_bar = {}
entity_bit = 0x03FF
for entity = 9, 0, -1 do
entity_remaining = entity + 1
be = (be+1) % 0x100
local rng =*entity_remaining, 8), 0xFF)
-- take the rnd-th set bit starting 0
local specific_incrementor
for b = 0, 9 do
if bit.check(entity_bit, b) then
rng = rng - 1
if rng < 0 then
specific_incrementor = b * 8
entity_bit = bit.clear(entity_bit, b)
if entity < 4 then -- character
if preemptive or chosen == 3 then -- Preemptive or side attack
atb_bar[entity] = 0xFF
elseif chosen == 0 then -- Front attack
local speed = slot_speed[entity+1]
be = (be+1) % 0x100
local random_speed =*speed, 8), 0xFF)
atb_bar[entity] = speed + random_speed + specific_incrementor + general_incrementor + 1
else -- Pincer or Back
atb_bar[entity] = specific_incrementor + 1
if preemptive or chosen == 3 then -- Preemptive or side attack
atb_bar[entity] = 2
local speed = enemy_slot_speed[entity-3]
be = (be+1) % 0x100
local random_speed =*speed, 8), 0xFF)
atb_bar[entity] = speed + random_speed + specific_incrementor + general_incrementor + 1
for cs = 1, 4 do if slot_speed[cs] ~= 0xFF then -- character slot is filled
gui.drawText(10, offset, string.format("ATB %s: %d",slot_name[cs], atb_bar[cs-1]))
offset = offset+10
end end
for ms = 1, 6 do if enemy_slot_speed[ms] ~= 0xFF then -- monster slot is filled
gui.drawText(10, offset, string.format("ATB %s: %d",enemy_slot_name[ms], atb_bar[ms+3]))
offset = offset+10
end end
-- Main loop
while true do
-- Determine if we're in battle, on the world map, in a town/dungeon, or in the menu
if mainmemory.readbyte(0x2000) < 13 then
elseif, 0x01FF) <= 0x0002 then
mode = MODE_MAP
elseif, 0x01FF) >= 0x0003 and, 0x01FF) <= 0x019E then
mode = MODE_CAVE
if mainmemory.read_u16_le(0x1501) == 0x1387 and mainmemory.readbyte(0x1503) == 0xC3 then
mode = MODE_MENU
end -- there's actually no way to tell you're in the menu other than checking it's NMI address
offset = 10
if mode == MODE_BATTLE then
elseif mode == MODE_CAVE then
if mode == MODE_MAP or mode == MODE_CAVE then