Edit History For User CloakTheLurker

Edits by CloakTheLurker

PageDateMinor EditRevision MessageActions
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5630 r6 10/27/2023 6:41:33 PM False
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5630 r5 10/27/2023 6:38:13 PM True
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5630 r4 10/27/2023 6:37:42 PM False added download note
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5613 r2 10/7/2023 12:51:21 AM True
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5612 r2 10/6/2023 12:49:57 AM True
Movies/GruefoodDelight r278 10/3/2023 3:29:40 PM False SimCity: changed link back to old video
InternalSystem/GameContent/G1324 r1 10/3/2023 3:08:13 PM False
Movies/GruefoodDelight r277 10/3/2023 1:34:52 AM False SimCity: replaced link with my own encode, spacing
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5605 r3 10/2/2023 3:19:18 PM True
Movies/GruefoodDelight r274 9/25/2023 9:35:55 PM False Somari: removed older videos, replaced link with my own encode
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M3050 r12 9/22/2023 9:29:26 PM False changed width and height of YouTube module, changed movie link
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5575 r2 9/20/2023 12:06:38 AM True
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5573 r2 9/18/2023 11:31:56 PM False
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5571 r2 9/16/2023 9:37:23 PM True
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5560 r2 9/11/2023 7:31:33 PM True
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M643 r4 9/9/2023 5:23:09 PM False
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M16 r4 9/9/2023 5:21:54 PM False
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M114 r4 9/9/2023 5:21:30 PM False
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5529 r2 9/1/2023 4:08:40 AM True
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M4737 r2 8/27/2023 8:00:21 PM True
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5524 r2 8/27/2023 6:58:26 PM True
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5523 r2 8/27/2023 3:14:59 AM True
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M838 r3 8/26/2023 4:49:03 AM False
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M1143 r3 8/26/2023 4:34:47 AM True
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M3381 r3 8/26/2023 4:34:30 AM False