Edit History For User Memory

Edits by Memory

PageDateMinor EditRevision MessageActions
NewStandardMovies r2 8/19/2021 1:51:16 PM False Page moved from NewVaultMovies to New Standard Movies
Guidelines/Legacy r103 8/18/2021 6:49:43 PM False Removing tiers section, extremely redundant with movie rules
SubmissionInstructions r64 8/18/2021 6:26:00 PM False removing largely redundant section, replacing with a small blurb
LegacyPages/MovieRules r443 8/18/2021 6:09:31 PM False Replacing remaining references to Vault and tiers
LegacyPages/MovieRules r442 8/18/2021 6:06:35 PM False updates to movie goals section
LegacyPages/MovieRules r440 8/18/2021 3:53:00 PM False Updating games must be acceptable section to new class sytem
Class r6 8/18/2021 12:21:37 PM False
Class r5 8/18/2021 12:10:32 PM False We're going to roll things out one goal at a time
Standard r10 8/17/2021 7:34:07 PM False Updating to reflect new plan and other various changes
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S7187 r3 8/16/2021 7:42:51 PM False
Standard r7 8/16/2021 6:22:49 PM True
ES/ArticleIndex r7 8/16/2021 6:03:38 PM True
ES/MovieTagGuidelines r5 8/16/2021 6:03:16 PM True
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S6405 r12 8/16/2021 6:01:05 PM True
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S6105 r10 8/16/2021 5:59:43 PM True
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S6006 r17 8/16/2021 5:58:00 PM True
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S5880 r6 8/16/2021 5:49:43 PM True
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S4947 r32 8/16/2021 5:48:45 PM True
HomePages/sgrunt r59 8/16/2021 5:46:38 PM True
RU/Guidelines r8 8/16/2021 5:46:04 PM True
PublisherGuidelines r183 8/16/2021 5:41:33 PM True
Movies r135 8/16/2021 5:27:09 PM True
LegacyPages/MovieRules r439 8/16/2021 5:17:31 PM True
HomePages/klmz r231 8/16/2021 5:11:24 PM True
JudgeGuidelines/Legacy r131 8/16/2021 5:10:12 PM True