Edit History For User RetroEdit

Edits by RetroEdit

PageDateMinor EditRevision MessageActions
EmulatorResources/VBA r18 8/20/2024 3:17:51 PM False Vulnerability warning, since it's relevant.
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S1059 r4 8/20/2024 5:26:59 AM True Note about this being a duplicate movie file.
EmulatorResources/VBA r17 8/19/2024 5:44:17 PM False Copy details of why not to use certain versions
HomePages/RetroEdit r12 8/18/2024 9:33:53 PM False Update with 2024 projects I can think of offhand.
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S8939 r15 7/30/2024 5:40:09 AM True Fix time formatting so it doesn't italicize.
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S9177 r4 7/30/2024 5:36:13 AM False Fix times wiki syntax.
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M4048 r2 7/5/2024 3:09:09 PM True [dummy edit to resync game title info]
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M5469 r4 6/29/2024 6:31:23 PM True Typo fix.
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S8442 r16 2/13/2024 5:03:47 PM False Console verified now!
HomePages/RetroEdit r11 1/29/2024 5:27:01 PM False +Madagascar: OP
HomePages/RetroEdit r10 1/8/2024 9:07:15 PM False Update Shrek 2/Shrek the Third.
Standard r27 1/4/2024 1:18:05 AM False Remove Glitchless from Under Consideration, since it was added.
GameResources/Arcade/CrimeCity r12 11/12/2023 2:51:17 PM True Display square brackets literally.
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs r21 10/16/2023 3:25:04 PM True WL4: GBAHawk resync
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs r20 10/16/2023 2:47:46 PM True Add proper section headers/tweak formatting.
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs r19 10/16/2023 2:45:36 PM False Wario Land 4: new resync
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs r18 10/16/2023 2:08:09 PM True WL4: WIP, Spyro update
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs r17 10/14/2023 11:17:23 PM True Revise note
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs r16 10/14/2023 11:16:45 PM True TMC: link to GBAHawk resync
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs r15 10/14/2023 7:47:27 PM True Change external TASVideos link to internal link.
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs r14 10/14/2023 7:45:36 PM False TMC resync!
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3262 r14 10/14/2023 2:04:25 PM True Emu version number
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M1872 r3 10/14/2023 2:04:19 PM True Emu version number
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S8535 r5 10/14/2023 1:50:17 PM False Fill in missing emu version.
HomePages/RetroEdit/Resyncs r13 10/13/2023 10:16:34 PM True Fix GBA game link
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