Edit History For User dwangoAC

Edits by dwangoAC

PageDateMinor EditRevision MessageActions
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3846 r7 1/27/2013 5:20:01 PM False Removed raw RAM addressses now that the addrset has been created
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3846 r6 1/27/2013 5:12:49 PM False Remove note about file now that Ilari has replaced it, correct scoring spacing
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3846 r3 1/27/2013 8:53:01 AM True Correct temporary platform name
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3846 r1 1/27/2013 8:51:01 AM False
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3830 r10 1/22/2013 3:03:08 AM True Minor sentence changes
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3830 r8 1/21/2013 5:31:12 AM True Added thank-you.
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3830 r7 1/21/2013 2:47:34 AM True Moved memory addresses to the bottom to aid readability on narrower browsers
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3830 r6 1/20/2013 6:51:32 PM False Final submission text content update describing all challenge waves
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3830 r5 1/19/2013 6:21:56 PM False Major update to remove calibration shot notes and update wave information; I'll put in the final challenge wave information soon
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3830 r3 1/18/2013 7:24:29 PM False Significant updates to wave notes, more to be added
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3830 r2 1/17/2013 11:48:22 PM True Minor typo fixes
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S3830 r1 1/17/2013 11:40:19 PM False
GameResources/DOS/Nethack r15 11/15/2010 11:38:34 PM False Updated potential seed of 1447373582 with correct Sanctum level, 13 minutes after Midnight on Friday the 13th
GameResources/DOS/Nethack r13 11/15/2010 8:43:07 AM False Added potential seed of 1447373370 and link to the expect script used to find it
GameResources/DOS/Nethack r11 11/14/2010 1:37:17 AM False Added starting character traits for a TAS such as character attributes, level depths, and rings
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S2901 r2 11/4/2010 8:00:33 PM False Updated formatting, fixed some typos, and added some descriptions
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S2901 r1 11/4/2010 9:07:56 AM False
GameResources/DOS/Nethack r7 10/13/2010 4:30:05 PM False Minor cleanup; a Subject Matter Expert may need to reword some of the technical details at some point, especially once the glitch is understood
GameResources/DOS/Nethack r4 10/13/2010 1:34:21 AM False A handful of minor edits; this still needs a significant amount of cleanup...
GameResources/DOS/Nethack r3 10/13/2010 1:07:20 AM False Raw dump of ais523's forum comments plus some minor editing - more edits to come
GameResources/DOS/Nethack r1 10/12/2010 9:04:58 PM False Very rough initial page, to be updated based on additional content from ais523
GameResources/DOS/EpicPinball r2 10/12/2010 8:29:26 PM True Formatting changes - I'm not sure if this is the best use of headers though...
GameResources/DOS/EpicPinball r1 10/12/2010 8:27:39 PM False Create initial Epic Pinball page based on the original submission text
PlatformResources/DOS r3 10/12/2010 7:33:58 PM False Reword and expand DOS platform concepts (much more should be added here)
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S2830 r12 9/13/2010 3:44:10 AM False Added information on v.1.1 Android vs 2.0 and 2.1 Super Android differences, updated Encodes section; a lot of the information in this submission will end up in a Game Resources wiki entry at some point in the near future
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