Edit History For User feos

Edits by feos

PageDateMinor EditRevision MessageActions
Staff/SoftSkills/Talents r5 12/22/2021 7:35:41 PM True
Staff/SoftSkills/Talents r4 12/22/2021 7:32:25 PM False paradigm break is when people go insane
Staff/SoftSkills/Talents r3 12/22/2021 7:24:36 PM True
Staff/SoftSkills/Talents r2 12/22/2021 7:22:19 PM True
Staff/SoftSkills/Leadership r5 12/22/2021 7:20:36 PM False learning curve
Staff/SoftSkills/Leadership r4 12/22/2021 7:18:03 PM True
Staff/SoftSkills/Responsibility r3 12/22/2021 7:13:26 PM True
Staff/SoftSkills/Responsibility r2 12/22/2021 7:07:31 PM True
Staff/SoftSkills r36 12/22/2021 6:40:31 PM False Responsibility
Staff/SoftSkills/Responsibility r1 12/22/2021 6:39:41 PM True it keeps going!
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M1918 r8 12/22/2021 4:36:45 PM False link commentary video
Staff/SoftSkills r35 12/21/2021 11:50:17 PM False Talents
Staff/SoftSkills/Talents r1 12/21/2021 11:49:37 PM True phew
Staff/SoftSkills/Leadership r3 12/21/2021 6:56:10 PM False I wonder how weird it looks now
Staff/SoftSkills r34 12/20/2021 7:25:15 PM False link Leadership
Staff/SoftSkills/Leadership r2 12/20/2021 6:18:27 PM True
Staff/SoftSkills/Leadership r1 12/20/2021 6:07:11 PM False put together all the things I kept in mind since 2018 when I started trying to renew seniorship at tasvideos
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S7264 r28 12/19/2021 9:20:01 PM False
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S7260 r8 12/19/2021 9:18:26 PM False
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S7258 r4 12/19/2021 9:18:09 PM False
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S7253 r4 12/19/2021 7:30:13 PM False
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S7239 r3 12/18/2021 2:46:36 PM False
InternalSystem/SubmissionContent/S7257 r4 12/15/2021 6:39:45 PM False
MovieRules r3 12/11/2021 7:06:09 PM False there are no translations of this version of the page yet, so removing the note about them
InternalSystem/PublicationContent/M1813 r7 12/11/2021 8:56:25 AM False subs
1 2 116 117 118 416 417