nd are [2852M] and [2377M]. Both movies consi
hat's similar to ''[2377M|Salary Man Champ]'', being a Japan-on
emonstrated by the [2377M|Salary Man Champ publication] on this site.
hat's similar to ''[2377M|Salary Man Champ]'', being a collecti
hat's similar to ''[2377M|Salary Man Champ]'', being a collecti
takau Salary Man| |[2377M]|
|Samurai Spirits/
takau Salary Man| |[2377M]|
|Samurai Spirits/
M] %%%
[2376M] %%%
[2377M] %%%
[2379M] %%%
ed game, see the ''[2377M|Salary Man Champ]'' publication.