Referrers for GameResources/GB/Kwirk


and knowledge of [GameResources/GB/Kwirk#Movement|the cost in frames of each action], such as: 9 frames
e pre-computed as [GameResources/GB/Kwirk#HeadingOutSolutions|fixed move sequences]. I am confident th
Heading Out? are [GameResources/GB/Kwirk#FloorNumbers|internally numbered] 30–59 for Easy, 6
g Up? mode. The [GameResources/GB/Kwirk#Rng|RNG] is seeded, at the
dule of floors is [GameResources/GB/Kwirk#HeadingOutFloorSchedules|generated] as soon as you hit
m chance of being [GameResources/GB/Kwirk#HeadingOutInvertedFloors|inverted] (flipped vertically