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Last Updated by feos on 3/21/2024 7:23 PM
A collection of articles on TASVideos, about the site, movie watching and making, editing, and publication work.

Not all articles are listed here. To find articles that are not listed here, go through the links.

For information related to specific games, check out [Game Resources].

%%TAB Site

* [Welcome To TASVideos]
* [Newcomer Corner]
* [Site Rules] - These apply to the forums and site in general.
* [Helping] - Everybody has something meaningful they can contribute!
* [Account/Login|Log In] - Must be [Account/Register|registered] first.


* [Forum]
* [Discord Server]
* [IRC Channel]
* [Forum Markup]
* [Player Points And Ranks]
* [Mood Avatars]

%%TAB Movie Watching

* [Movies|Movies by criteria] - Main Movie page with starting points for finding movies in different categories.
* [Class|Classes] - Information about the classes that the movies on the site are included in.
* [Stars] - Information related to Star movies.
* [Platforms] - Information on all rerecordable platforms including information about the emulators and movie lists
* [ConsoleVerification/Movies|Console Verified Movies] - [ConsoleVerification|Playing back] TAS movies on original hardware (or at least [ConsoleVerification/Tests|attempting to]).
* [Movie Tag Guidelines] - Information about the movie tags that movies are categorized under.
* [Voting Guidelines] - Tips for effective voting on submissions and movie ratings.
* [Profile/Ratings|Rating] - Rate the movies you have watched
* [Applications] - Applications & plug-ins for easily browsing and viewing TASVideos content from your home theater, cell phone, and more.
* [Downloads] - Is there missing sound or video in MP4/MKV?  Links to common Media Players.
* [Desync Help] - What to do if it doesn't play back properly in emulator.
* [Movie Statistics]
* [Movie Tokens] - tips to generate your own movie list pages

%%TAB Movie Making

* [Tasing Guide|TASing Guide] - Overall manual
* [Submission Instructions] - Read this before submitting a movie
** [Movie Rules]
** [Guidelines]
* [Desync Help] - Important to avoid broken movies.
* [List of Ideas] - If you need an idea for a game to TAS.
* [=userfiles/|Movie file storage for WIPs]
* [Forum/Topics/10152|Forum WIP thread]

__Using tools:__

* [Input File Editing]
* [Lua Scripting]
* [Memory Search] - Useful for finding exact positions, health, and other game data.
* [Platforms] - List of all rerecordable platforms and links to emulators and movies
* [Platform Framerates] - A list of framerates used for each platform to determine movie timing.
* [EmulatorResources/RamSearch|RAM Search]
* [EmulatorResources/RamWatch|RAM Watch]
* [Reverse Engineering]
* [Arbitrary Code Execution How To]

__Getting Started:__

* [GameResources/BossFightingGuide|Boss Fighting Guide]
* [GameResources/CommonTricks|Common Tricks]
* [Luck Manipulation]
* [Route Planning]
* [TASing Guide #VideoTutorials] - Video lessons
* [KeepingAnOpenMind]

%%TAB Wiki Editing

* [Recent Changes] - Changes on articles and movie descriptions.
* [Editor Guidelines]
* [Games How To] - Documentation on using the [Games/List|Game Editor]
* [Text Formatting Rules] - Mark-up used on this site.
* [Translations] - Wiki pages translated to various lagnuages.
* [Sand Box] - Any registered user can edit this page.
* [TODO]
* [TextFormattingRules/ListOfModules|List Of Modules]
* [Wiki Orphans] - Pages that are not linked to.
* [Legacy Pages] - An archive of older versions of pages that have been fully rewritten.

%%TAB Publication Work

* [Subs-Acc|Accepted submissions] - Movies ready for publication
* [EncodingGuide/PublicationManual|Publication Manual] - The most recent all-in-one Guide
* [Encoding Guide]
** [EncodingGuide/VideoDumping|Video Dumping]
** [EncodingGuide/Logo|Logo]
* [Screenshots]
** [ScreenshotList|Full list of screenshots and their descriptions]
* [EncodingGuide/Legacy/StreamingMedia|Streaming Media]
** [TODO/NoYoutube|Movies without YouTube encodes]

__Publishing Guidelines:__

* [Admin Guidelines]
* [Judging]
** [Judge Guidelines]
** [Reviews]
* [Encoder Guidelines]
** [EncoderGuidelines/EncodeChecklist|Encoding Checklist]
* [Publications/YoutubeUploaders|Youtube Uploaders] - List of Youtube channels that host encodes used in our publications
* [Movie Tag Guidelines]
* [Publisher Guidelines]

%%TAB Members
* [Staff] - A list of site staff and other contributors.
* [Homepages] - A list of member user pages.
* [Publications/Authors|Authors] - List of users who have contributed movies to this site.
* [Interviews] with some of our members.

%%TAB Other
* [Awards] - Information on the annual TASVideos awards and a list of award winners.
* [Contests]
* [Games Done Quick] - Our participation in the charity marathons ran by SpeedDemosArchive. Generally features [TASBot].
* [Glossary]
* [Japanese Resources]
* [Japanese Fantasy Elements]
* [Links] - Includes links to TASVideos groups on video hosting sites.
* [Site History]
* [Site Technology]
* [Site License]
* [System] - List of System Pages.
* [user:TASVideoAgent] - The robot of this site.