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Last Updated by Randomno on 7/11/2023 11:06 PM
Gambatte core supported mappers
This page still mostly TODO

|Complete|What it sounds like|
|Good|Thought to be complete|
|Decent|Mostly compatible, but many significant edge cases not tested|
|Minimal|Important games are playable, but emulation is known not to be complete|
|Nothing|Not implemented|
|Junk|Who cares about this. Not enough games, or unlicensed junk or no interesting games|

Mapper compatibility does not warrant game compatibility, which may be contingent on other aspects of emulation.%%%
It is just a rough guide for future work.%%%

__Quantity__ is based off of a GoodGBx3.14 set.  Counts may be slightly inaccurate, as each game is only counted once, and when different dumps\revisions\regions of a game have different mappers, an arbitrary one was chosen.


|0b|MM01|No support|1|
|0c|MM01|No support|
|0d|MM01|No support|
|15|MBC4|No Support|
|16|MBC4|No Support|
|17|MBC4|No Support|
|1c|MBC5+Rumble|Partial (No Rumble)|7|
|1d|MBC5+Rumble+RAM|Partial (No Rumble)|
|1e|MBC5+Rumble+RAM+Battery|Partial (No Rumble)|10|
|20|MBC6??|No Support|2|
|22|MBC7+Tilt??|No Support|2|
|fc|Pocket Camera|No support|1|
|fd|Bandai TAMA5|No support|1|
|fe|HuC3|No support|3|
|ff|HuC1 RAM+Battery|Good|7|