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Last Updated by feos on 2/4/2024 6:27 AM
This page lists resources available to specific games.

Any user with at least one published movie, or with special permissions granted by [Staff|an admin or senior staff member], may edit these pages and create new ones for unlisted games. See our __[EditorGuidelines|Editor Guidelines]__ for information on how to do this.

We have other resources available as well:
* Our __[Games/List|Game Database]__ has links to movies, userfiles, and forum threads, grouped by game.
* Our __[Platform resources|Platform Resources]__ page contains tricks per platforms with some game-related information and guides for the given emulator.
* The __[GameResources/CommonTricks|Common Tricks]__ page contains tips for finding tricks in games in general.
* We also have a __[GameResources/BossFightingGuide|Boss Fighting Guide]__ for boss specific tricks.
