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Last Updated by Bisqwit on 5/6/2018 12:09 AM
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!!! What is FMV?

fmv is the movie capture format of Famtasia, the NES emulator.

To play a fmv file, you need Famtasia and the ROM image of the game.

fmv is not a multimedia file. It's only a recording of which
buttons were pressed during the play.
It does not contain image data or program code.%%%

This kind of records are not portable between emulators, because
different emulators have a bit different timings (and the file
formats differ too), and the movies depend heavily on the timing.

Do not ask us (the author of this site or the people at
the nesvideos forum) to send you ROMs or FDS images.
Any such messages will be deleted.

You can download Famtasia from