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Last Updated by MrTASer on 1/2/2024 11:11 AM
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EDIT : I'm only an audience till July 2025 because of higher srudies and will make submissions, or userfile for the movies which I already made...

%%TAB Introduction %%

!Brief :
Hello! I'm Mr.TASer from India and I've got into TASing Super Mario Bros. for the NES and I also TAS several other games but mainly SMB.

!Why I thought of TASing :
When I was a 7-8 yr old kid, I used to think "What if I entered my laptop password in the fastest way possible ?" This led me to think about this and then in 2020, I got it !

!My Start
I started TASing with FCEUX Emulator, but after some time, I switched to BizHawk for some more advantages.

I also have some practice on SNES, Saturn, N64 & NDS TASing.
I started it all in 2020 [(lockdown)as my schools were off and nothing to do].
I had used many emulators, hence I have some knowledge since my childhood about emulating.
My pure inspiration for Speedruning and TASing are KosmicD12 and HappyLee


You can find my TASes on my YouTube channel 'Mr.TASer' :

%%TAB My Movies %%


!User Files

%%TAB Links %%
!My Music Channel :

!My Compositions :

!My Soundcloud :

!I can be Discord-ed at : Mr.TASer#5922

%%TAB Should I even have to mention this? %%
!!!!My Pain
Also, it's very difficult to maintain your life B/w studies and games at the same time, meanwhile, your friends ask you to make new songs or animations, this situation beats a lot in a very harsh way...
(。ŏ﹏ŏ) ( ・ั﹏・ั) 😒

%%TAB Some of my videos that I want to be viewed by you! %%

||__Cheat TASes__||__Other TASes__||__WIPs__||__Music__||
|youtube|v=cPFyOX-lDyk||NES Super Mario Bros. Fastest SoftLock 19.78 by Mr.TASer[module:youtube|v=se59rAkJpRo]||VCop2 "Scene_2" in 3:34.8 (+Bonus) by Mr.TASer[module:youtube|v=5BNy8A4gUTc]||Calm Waves - UDPR MUSIC PRODUCTIONS|
|NES SMB 'GLGLLK' in 3:51.725 by Mr.TASer[module:youtube|v=Lay59RWS50w]||NSMB DS_Whack-A-Monty (327) by Mr.TASer[module:youtube|v=iw5GK4xgk20]||-|Deep Thrills - UDPR MUSIC PRODUCTIONS|
|NES SMB 'AEPLLG' in 4:44.216 by Mr.TASer[module:youtube|v=howQwbYGThk]||-||-||Big Doom - UDPR MUSIC PRODUCTIONS|
|NES SMB 'GAGOTO+AISSON' In 4:44.333 by Mr.TASer[module:youtube|v=rdoTQ5ixqQg]||-||-||Banger BASS - UDPR MUSIC PRODUCTIONS[module:youtube|v=dhTG4U1iRO8]|
|NES Game Genie ROM in 7.770 by MrTASer[module:youtube|v=G4TxKFQU9CI]|
