Script that displays the following values on screen:
- X and Y player position
- X, Y, XY total speed, of which:
- X, Y, XY movements speed
- X, Y, XY pushback speed
It does also display an arrow that indicates in which direction the player is heading.
--Kuru Kuru Kururin - hud speed script v1.2 by ThunderAxe31
local speed_low = 0 --when standing still
local speed_mid = 3 --running speed (A+B buttons keept)
local speed_max = 7 --highest speed during horizontal and vertical clips, however diagonal clips can be faster
local pos_x_addr = 0x004544
local pos_y_addr = 0x004548
local push_speed_x_addr = 0x00454C
local push_speed_y_addr = 0x004550
local pos_x_old = 0
local pos_y_old = 0
local framecount = -1
function decide_color(speed)
if speed == nil then
speed = math.abs(speed)
if speed > speed_max then --in case we broke the limit, use blue color
color = 0x000000FF
elseif speed < speed_mid then --if 0: red; if middle: white
local value = math.floor(0xFF*(speed/speed_mid))
color = 0xFF0000 + value*0x101
else --if speed_mid: white; if speed_max: green
local value = math.floor(0xFF*(1-(speed-speed_mid)/(speed_max-speed_mid)))
color = 0x00FF00 + value*0x10001
return color+0xFF000000
if memory.usememorydomain("IWRAM") then
while true do
local pos_x = memory.read_s32_le(pos_x_addr)/65536
local pos_y = memory.read_s32_le(pos_y_addr)/65536
local speed_x = pos_x - pos_x_old
local speed_y = pos_y - pos_y_old
local speed_xy = math.sqrt( math.pow(speed_x, 2) + math.pow(speed_y, 2) )
local push_speed_x = memory.read_s32_le(push_speed_x_addr)/65536
local push_speed_y = memory.read_s32_le(push_speed_y_addr)/65536
local push_speed_xy = math.sqrt( math.pow(push_speed_x, 2) + math.pow(push_speed_y, 2) )
local move_speed_x = speed_x - push_speed_x
local move_speed_y = speed_y - push_speed_y
local move_speed_xy = speed_xy - push_speed_xy
if speed_x > 0 then speed_x = "+" .. speed_x end
if speed_y > 0 then speed_y = "+" .. speed_y end
if framecount ~= emu.framecount()-1 then
speed_x = 0
speed_y = 0
pos_x_old = pos_x
pos_y_old = pos_y
gui.pixelText(0, 132, " Position Speed = Move +Push\nX " .. string.format("%7.2f", pos_x) .. string.format("%+7.2f", speed_x) .. " =" .. string.format("%+6.2f", move_speed_x) .. string.format("%+6.2f", push_speed_x) .. "\nY " .. string.format("%7.2f", pos_y) .. string.format("%+7.2f", speed_y) .. " =" .. string.format("%+6.2f", move_speed_y) .. string.format("%+6.2f", push_speed_y) .. "\nXY " .. string.format("%+7.2f", speed_xy) .. " =" .. string.format("%+6.2f", move_speed_xy) .. string.format("%+6.2f", push_speed_xy))
local arrow_color = decide_color(speed_xy)
gui.drawLine(119, 79, 119+speed_x*10, 79+speed_y*10, arrow_color)
gui.drawLine(120, 80, 120+speed_x*10, 80+speed_y*10, arrow_color)
gui.drawLine(119, 80, 119+speed_x*10, 80+speed_y*10, arrow_color)
gui.drawLine(120, 79, 120+speed_x*10, 79+speed_y*10, arrow_color)
framecount = emu.framecount()