Submission #1612: Ash_Williams's Genesis Contra: Hard Corps "secret ending" in 04:59.47

Sega Genesis
(Submitted: Contra - The Hard Corps)
secret ending
(Submitted: secret ending)
(Submitted: Contra - The Hard Corps (J) [!].bin JPN)
Gens 9z
Submitted by Ash_Williams on 6/27/2007 3:38 AM
Submission Comments
An improved version of my old Contra - The Hard Corps movie. This version is 134 frames (~2.23s) faster putting the total length of the movie under 5 min! I originally started this planning to get a “real” ending, but after I got part way through I decided to redo the old run because I was saving so much time.
To do this run I used GENS9z_20070209.exe
For those interested, below is a rough breakdown of the frames saved:

  • In level 1 I was able to get an extra 47 frames mainly by walking on the rotating platforms when they were positioned at an angle rather than riding them around. Apparently in this game when you are moving at an angle it increases your horizontal speed.
  • In level 2 I was able to save 49 frames by killing the spider with one less blue shot. Other minor improvements came from killing the air ship by letting the B weapon hit for a few extra frames before switching to the D weapon.
  • In level 3 I was able to shave around 28 frames by manipulating the direction the last motorcycle guy drives in, as well as killing the arm boss faster. The last motorcycle guy leaves the screen faster if he drives off to the left rather than the right because he accelerates more.
  • On the boss level I was able to get an extra 10 frames by using the same trick I did on the level 2 airship, as well as being more careful with my shots.
Once again, I achieve the best ending :)
Overall I am happy with this and I hope you enjoy

adelikat: Nice improvement. Claimed for encoding.
Last Edited by adelikat on 7/1/2007 12:01 AM
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